Clement Attlee again led Labour into the election battle - his fourth and last as leader.
Yet Labour governments have started fast before now: Clement Attlee in 1945, Harold Wilson in 1964.
ECONOMIST: Heads, not hearts
Yes, he was asserting that Lady Thatcher had, like Labour's Clement Attlee before her, forged a new political consensus.
BBC: Are we all Thatcherites now?
But Clement Attlee's Labour government had to use the 1911 Act to get the Bill onto the statute book.
BBC: What is the Parliament Act?
So also with Harold Wilson's great victory in 1964, and even Clement Attlee's landslide for the Labour Party in 1945.
ECONOMIST: The daily take
In the war's aftermath, with the paint still fresh on Clement Attlee's welfare state, that put Smedley wildly out of step with popular opinion.
ECONOMIST: How Britain's broadcasting monopoly was broken
Pragmatic, socially minded liberalism of that kind underpinned American and British government, from the New Deal until Ronald Reagan, from Clement Attlee to Margaret Thatcher.
ECONOMIST: Liberalism
Clement Attlee, the prime minister, was a reformist but no leftie.
ECONOMIST: Hartley Shawcross
Like Clement Attlee, he worked after university at Toynbee Hall, a university foundation in London's East End, where he was able to see the wretchedness of the poor at first hand and to be shocked by it.
ECONOMIST: In Sir William��s shadow
When German and Italy teamed up with their former enemies France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, the British Prime Minister Clement Attlee is said to have dismissed the new union as a group of six nations, "four of whom we had to rescue from the other two".
BBC: Part Three - France and the World
Earl Attlee said that he agreed "in principle" with Lord Clement-Jones.
BBC: Ministers updates peers on UK visa applications in Iraq