• Released in 2004, the album was by turns smooth, humorous and sharp and largely avoided the cliched hip-hop preoccupation with guns, girls and jewellery.

    BBC: Kanye West

  • That's one reason why the chancellor has decided that public spending cuts and tax rises, or the cliched austerity, have to roll relentlessly on until at least 2018.

    BBC: Will the UK lose its AAA, and does it matter?

  • There are the silly trending hashtags, the badly spelled diatribes and, yes, as the cliched insult goes, even a few people who really do tweet about what they had for breakfast.

    CNN: Seven years, seven lives changed by Twitter

  • My bugbear with the UK industry is that women's fiction is usually branded in a cliched way: men don't want to be seen reading anything in a pink cover with glitter on it.

    BBC: Publishing cheer as buyers seek out interesting reads

  • There is, of course, a dark side to the industry that couldn't be ignored -- Nikki Sixx of the 80s band Motley Crue, gave us a fascinating insight into the self-destructive nature of the cliched lifestyle that so nearly killed him.

    CNN: Best of Quest

  • Terms such as "moderate" and "radical" are bandied about so freely as to mean next to nothing, and cliched phrases like "sleeper cells, " "alienated Muslims, " "radicalization, " and "homegrown terrorists" degrade the language to the point that they structure the thinking about the Muslims living among us.

    NPR: Many Arab-Americans Still Perceived As A 'Problem'

  • "The cliched saying "you can take the Indian out of India but you can't take India out of the Indians" holds true and that is also partly why people want to go back and be comfortable around the environment they grew up in, " added the young businessman from Ahmedabad.

    BBC: India's Australian dream

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