Indeed, climate change mitigation measures may make the damage and disruption caused by climate change considerably worse in some circumstances.
FORBES: Rethinking Our Response to Climate Change: Carbon Wedges 2.0
Conference was intended to produce a framework agreement for climate change mitigation beyond 2012, as a successor to the Kyoto Protocol.
The exhibit will present the UNESCO Climate Change Initiative and UNESCO's actions on climate change mitigation, adaptation, climate knowledge, research and monitoring, education and public awareness.
Using a holistic approach, pedagogical approaches and techniques in their own school environment, teachers can develop the capacities to facilitate climate change mitigation, adaptation and disaster risk reduction learning.
The wedges paradigm, which provides a framework for formulating emissions reduction strategies based on currently available technologies, quickly became the gold standard in the field of climate change mitigation.
FORBES: Rethinking Our Response to Climate Change: Carbon Wedges 2.0
We need to engage the health care sector in climate change mitigation so they can help communities be prepared to weather these crises and help lead us to a healthier and more sustainable future.
FORBES: What does Climate Change Have to Do With Health Care?
On March 23, millions of people around the world will be asked again to mark Earth Hour by switching off their lights and non-essential appliances for an hour in symbolic support for climate change mitigation.
Dr Stephen Hammer is co-director of the Urban Climate Change Research Network, a consortium of academics and institutions dedicated to the analysis of climate change mitigation, and an adviser to New York City's Energy Policy Taskforce.
CNN: Could big cities lead the fight against climate change?
The "Blue Carbon" International Scientific Working Group met last week at UNESCO headquarters to discuss the implications of using coastal "blue" carbon as a conservation and management tool contributing to climate change mitigation and the development of associated conservation financing mechanisms.
It is not surprising that Bali is unlikely to achieve anything tangible, for it is aimed at the hardest part of climate-change mitigation getting an international agreement which all the big emitters ratify.
Adaptation to climate change and its mitigation is one key objective of this biosphere reserve, with many research and activities underway.
This event provides a unique opportunity for the natural resource and agriculture community to share solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation in agricultural landscapes.
The overall effect is to undermine the resilience of marine and coastal ecosystems, affecting in turn their ability to support coastal livelihoods such as fishing and tourism and their potential role in climate change adaptation and mitigation.
The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) cited the Stern Review extensively in the Fourth Assessment Report, which purported to present the consensus views on climate-change science and mitigation options in 2007.
FORBES: Why Most Forbes Readers Know More About Global Warming than Most Climate Scientists
The Centre, run by NIEM, aims to improve educational management capacities for climate change response and disaster risk mitigation.
Emerging countries want governments in the rich world to pay huge sums from their coffers for adaptation to, and mitigation of, climate change.
China also claims that the EU's policy transgresses UN climate-change agreements which ordain that mitigation costs should be lower for developing countries than rich ones.
If Superstorm Sandy taught us anything, it was that mitigation by itself will neither prevent climate change from wreaking havoc on society nor protect us when it does.
FORBES: Rethinking Our Response to Climate Change: Carbon Wedges 2.0
We welcome the President's commitment to a major program for promotion of renewable energy, and I drew his attention to India's own ambitious national action plan on climate change, which has eight national missions covering both mitigation and adaptation.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Conference
Programmes target a wide range of national, regional and global challenges such as climate change, ocean health and fisheries, disaster warning and mitigation, capacity building, and data availability and exchange.
Oceans Day at Durban will draw high-level attention to ocean issues during the COP17 climate talks, highlighting the direct link between climate change, the health of the oceans, and human well-being, as well as the need for sufficient funding to support bold mitigation and adaptation measures that will minimize climate change impacts on coastal communities and ocean ecosystems and resources.
The authors aim to add their voice to the call for carbon mitigation and will focus on making clear the ways in which climate change will affect health.
We resolved to take significant national mitigation actions that will strengthen the world's ability to combat climate change.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Conference
Coordinate with national and international geoscience authorities and policy makers on research, technology transfer and public awareness raising programmes on the use of remote sensing for environmental monitoring, geohazard mitigation, georesource modeling, transboundary geoscience map integration, geoengineering, climate change and environmental geology.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which releases the third of three reports into the causes, consequences and mitigation of global warming in Thailand this week, the Arctic could be ice-free in summer by the latter part of the 21st century.
Its overall objective is to provide actors responsible for disaster management, risk prevention, civil protection and also spatial planning with EO-based solutions contributing particularly to an improved preparedness and mitigation planning for areas highly vulnerable to natural disasters and already noticeable climate change trends.
In September 2011, MOET adopted its Action Plan to implement the National Strategy for Natural Disaster Prevention, Response and Mitigation 2011-2020, acknowledging and aiming to tackle both the impacts of climate change and disasters on the education sector and the important role education can play in mitigating these risks.
It was also proposed that the United Nations establish a registry of national appropriate mitigation actions by countries not included in annex I to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.