Dr Richard Sullivan, director of clinical trials for the Cancer Research Campaign, said the research was "very interesting".
Along the way, company reps tout clinical trials and cancer drug research.
Professor Peter Selby, director of clinical studies at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, said that the research added to the debate on cancer and analgesics - but did not represent the last word.
Professor Stevens told the British Association science festival how a new breast cancer drug called Phortress, developed in his Cancer Research UK Experimental Cancer Chemotherapy Research Group, had been awaiting the start of clinical trials for three years.
Dr Paul Pharoah, senior clinical research fellow at Cambridge University Cancer Centre, said such tests were not yet clinically meaningful.
The drug, developed through Cancer Research UK's Clinical Development Partnerships (CDP), starves cancer cells of the sugars they need to grow and develop.
Donnall Thomas, a Nobel Laureate and former director of clinical research at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Institute, praises the paper in the release.
We want to work with Cancer Research UK and the pharmaceutical industry to ensure better access to clinical trials for young people with cancer.
The UK arm of the trial - part of a larger European one, and funded by the charity Cancer Research UK - will run in all 20 childhood cancer clinical trial centres across the UK, recruiting 160 children over the next four years.
"That is absolutely the case, " agrees Dr. Ann Partridge, clinical director of the Breast Oncology Center at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, who also does research on improving health care communication.
Piper Cancer Center Clinical Trials at Scottsdale Healthcare in Arizona and Physician-In-Chief of The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGEN).
FORBES: Celgene's Abraxane Extends Life By 1.8 Months In Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
Northwick Park Hospital and Clinical Research Centre, Harrow, cut its backlog of routine CT scans from 18 weeks to zero for lung cancer patients, by ensuring the scanner was used to full capacity.