But then the drug increased the death rate in clinical trials, and its development was ended.
The hospital trust has admitted clinical negligence over Jessica's death.
Pfizer has shelved its most promising experimental drug because the medicine increased the risk of death in a giant clinical trial, a disaster for the world's largest drug company.
Another study at the University of Pittsburgh found a 45% discordance between what clinical doctors diagnosed as the cause of death and what an autopsy later showed it to be.
Dr Michael Williams, vice president and dean of the Faculty of Clinical Oncology, said the cause of Lisa's death had not been confirmed and expressed condolences to her family.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Glasgow and West | Radiation overdose teenager dies
Their moral judgments about life and death, so vexing to most of us, become clinical and routine.
Over time, a number of clinical studies showed that asymptomatic women given regular mammography have a lower breast cancer death rate compared with women who do not get mammography.
The focus here at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology is mostly on Genentech and its breakthrough medicines, which are pushing death from cancer back a few months at a time by aiming at genetic quirks.
GlaxoSmithKline 's Avandia was the best-selling diabetes drug in the world until Steven Nissen of the Cleveland Clinic published an analysis of clinical trial data that showed a heightened risk of heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular death for patients on the drug.
Biogen Idec and partner Elan had to pull their multiple sclerosis drug Tysabri after patients in clinical trials came down with a rare viral disorder that can lead to brain damage or death.
In 1971 he founded a journal called Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science, which he was helping to edit up to a few weeks before his death.
Multiple clinical trials have shown that cardiac stents are no more effective than drugs or lifestyle changes in preventing heart attacks or death.
Biotech executives dread what they call "the valley of death, " the period of time between a drug's conception in a lab and its first clinical trial.