The two kitchen windows had been covered by a green blanket and Mr Suddards's black cloak.
Since then, Griffith has been working to peel Wikipedia's cloak of anonymity back even further.
Others have disguised their protectionist instincts under a cloak of concern about labour and the environment.
But many governments, jealously guarding the cloak of statehood, lobbied to keep the commission weak.
Like John McCain's attempt to cloak himself in reform by misrepresenting his running mate's record.
"He had a cloak on and stripped right off to his little gold Speedos, " Caldwell recalled.
The difficulty lies in finding ways of removing the cloak of corporate responsibility from individuals.
Two years ago, my predecessor delivered her speech to the General Conference while wearing a Maori cloak or korowai.
UNESCO: Speech to UNESCO General Conference 2009 - Bryan Gould
Before the Gulf war, only religious Shia Muslim women wore the abaya, the traditional head-to-toe black cloak.
Hale's son always said that, in his father's case, languages were a cloak for a shy man.
ECONOMIST: What makes some people learn language after language?
Described in Physical Review Letters, the approach borrows many ideas from attempts to "cloak" objects from light.
History buffs, cloak-and-dagger fans and those who appreciate fine literature will find the novels of Alan Furst irresistible.
However, an invisibility cloak designed to hide something from people who were looking for it would not work.
The design principles that make the cloak work in microwaves would be difficult to implement at optical wavelengths.
When PR reps have something they think is truly special, things can get a little cloak and dagger.
She plans to slip away from the table and don a long beard, flowing robe, hooded cloak and sandals.
WSJ: What's Plaguing Passover Feasts? Some Say Rituals Need Spicing Up
"He put away his cloak and dagger and picked up his doctor's coat and went to work, " O'Donnell said.
No one questions the origins of the Crusader sword or the Inquisitor's cloak.
All evidence to Select Committees is given under the cloak of parliamentary privilege.
The fiscal cliff drama used a supposed crisis of macroeconomic austerity to cloak a real crisis of elite decadence.
The cloak that I wear has been gifted by the National Commission to UNESCO as a taonga or cultural treasure.
UNESCO: Speech to UNESCO General Conference 2009 - Bryan Gould
For the cloak-and-dagger set, the Spies of Washington Tour gives travelers a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the city's history of international espionage.
CNN: Travel - Brave crowds, be part of history during inaugural week
Three sizes of white cassocks hang in the Room of Tears off the Sistine Chapel, waiting to cloak the new pontiff.
The world-weary argue that greenery was merely a convenient cloak beneath which a cash-strapped government could levy a few more taxes.
We also saw our readers going wild over a real-life invisibility cloak that causes its wearer to vanish in plain sight.
Surely the best way to honour the RUC, he said, was not to provide a cloak of uncertainty around the entire organisation.
BBC: Retention and Release of Information and Police Officers
She was dressed in a dark headscarf and cloak and was interviewed in what appeared to be a private home or office.
What our cloak accomplishes is that it reduces the mass of fluid that has to be displaced to a bare minimum .
FORBES: Making Go-Fast Boats Go Faster: Radical Shipping Technology
Beyond this is a display of complex Native American bead and basket work and a glorious feather cloak worked to mimic fur.
The law requires a cloak of secrecy until the deal is signed.