Late in the first half, after a couple of shot-clock meltdowns, Giorgis yelled out to his team: "Nobody wants to shoot!"
At a frenetic factory outside the village of Ringaskiddy, Ireland, workers have spent the past year laboring in 12-hour shifts around the clock, seven days a week, turning out 10 tonnes of a plain-looking white powder with extraordinary qualities.
Staff at the North West control centre, which operates around the clock, despatch motorway patrols from the out-stations.
President Obama believes he may be able to secure those votes if he makes utterly incredible promises to yesterday's Senate, the one now running out the clock in a post-election "lame-duck" session.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: (Un)welcome to Washington, Senators-elect!
United ran down the clock with comfort - now time may also be running out for Ancelotti.
Built-in dolls come out of the clock at noon each day to dance around and tell the time.
"My wife, myself and two friends were going on the 23rd to Germany and we only found out at 5 o'clock this afternoon - the 21st, " said Mr Roberts.
The portability crowd will be a bit bummed that the Soloist only plays when connected to an AC outlet, as a battery compartment is MIA, but you will be able to wake to your favorite tune or Sirius station thanks to the built-in alarm clock, which could possibly make dragging yourself out of bed at least slightly less excruciating.
International chefs work around the clock to dish out an average of 100, 000 meals a day -- enough to feed the population of a small city.
Maybe if I get on with the team, the treatment that they have there, the round-the-clock treatments you pretty much get, that should probably help me out.
"The basic is that there was a group of about six back-country snowboards that came out today about two o'clock, " he said, adding that they had apparently triggered the snow slide.
It's in the power of everybody who lives in Ohio, everybody who lives in Poland, everybody who lives all across the Midwest -- all those folks out there, whether you're punching a clock or starting a business, you've got a chance to move this country forward.
Obviously designed for the workstation crowd, this CAD destroying GPU is equipped with more GDDR5 memory than our own four-year old Quake III server, but as HotHardware points out, the clock speed remains exactly the same as the entirely more affordable V8700.
ENGADGET: ATI's $1,800 2GB FirePro V8750 GPU introduced and reviewed
Over a few decades this would amount to a minute's difference, but over several hundred years this would mean the atomic clock time-scale and the time-scale based on the Earth's rotation would be out by an hour.
The midfielder saw red when he punched the ball into the net with only seconds left on the clock, earning himself a second booking and one-match European suspension that could see him sit out the Champions League group match against Villarreal.
Blair's conversion took the score to 23-7 and the Blues out of reach of the visitors with only eight minutes remaining on the clock.
The app, "Dum Dums Lick-A-Pop, " would let players ingest a virtual Dum Dum lollipop by licking their smartphone before a clock ran out.
It is five o'clock in the morning and in a scene that would not look out of place in a zombie film, bleary-eyed youngsters, with fixed stares and many still clad in their night clothes, stagger into a leisure centre in west London.
BBC: Decision time for British swimmer Achieng Ajulu-Bushell