One employee, Silvia Hernandez, recounted how she was finishing up her workday at another building and standing in line to clock out when she heard a blast.
Curiously absent from this scenario was the fact that the players wear full uniforms with pads and protection, play a game under a time clock, out in the open, in front of family and fans.
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Gene Block, a professor of psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences at University of California, Los Angeles, and colleagues found that by middle age, the signal the master body clock in the brain sends out to other internal clocks to help resynchronize the different processes gets weaker.
We see it in the devotion of caregivers who tend to their loved ones, our wounded warriors, around the clock, day in, day out.
Professor TIEFER: That is the way they have handled contested appointments, contested elections where they had no interest whatsoever in running out the clock.
President Obama believes he may be able to secure those votes if he makes utterly incredible promises to yesterday's Senate, the one now running out the clock in a post-election "lame-duck" session.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: (Un)welcome to Washington, Senators-elect!
And there are some powerful voices on the other side that are interested in running out the clock or changing the subject or drowning out the majority of the American people to prevent any of these reforms from happening at all.
Built-in dolls come out of the clock at noon each day to dance around and tell the time.
George W. Bush George W. Bush is playing football, running the ball up the gut in an effort to run out the clock.
Nor, unlike some alternative arrangements, does it have a nagging circuit to ask him just what he was up to when he was out at two o'clock in the morning.
As I noted the other day, this is particularly true for software devices and other complex products, where trivial changes can be exaggerated in an effort to run out the clock on a patent.
Those who miss out on the correcting influence of either of these tend to fall into a spiral in which the body clock gradually becomes more and more out of synch with daylight hours.
The portability crowd will be a bit bummed that the Soloist only plays when connected to an AC outlet, as a battery compartment is MIA, but you will be able to wake to your favorite tune or Sirius station thanks to the built-in alarm clock, which could possibly make dragging yourself out of bed at least slightly less excruciating.
"It's terrible, because at 6 o'clock in the morning, when you're running out the door to work, you're having to Windex all the windows, " she says.
"I'm not saying that the human race is imminently doomed but it's also clear that the clock is ticking and time is running out in order to take action to avoid the escalating damages which could make the whole process unstoppable, " he told CNN.
Somebody who is out the gate at 3 o'clock in the afternoon is not.
Hundreds of people have turned out to see a town clock lit up in pink to mark the third week since the disappearance of April Jones.
And when the clock ran out, the Rapids were the best team in American soccer.
It is five o'clock in the morning and in a scene that would not look out of place in a zombie film, bleary-eyed youngsters, with fixed stares and many still clad in their night clothes, stagger into a leisure centre in west London.
BBC: Decision time for British swimmer Achieng Ajulu-Bushell
In professional football, it's called running out the clock.
At a frenetic factory outside the village of Ringaskiddy, Ireland, workers have spent the past year laboring in 12-hour shifts around the clock, seven days a week, turning out 10 tonnes of a plain-looking white powder with extraordinary qualities.
Late in the first half, after a couple of shot-clock meltdowns, Giorgis yelled out to his team: "Nobody wants to shoot!"
That will more likely be achieved by the confirmation without further delay of Jim Glassman than by allowing the clock to run out on the remaining months of the Bush Administration without strong leadership in the key State Department post.
Instead of Americans enjoying a bounty after the clock runs out, federal farm policy will automatically revert to a farm bill drawn up in 1949.
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One thing he swore in his letters from jail: When he got out, he would never look at another clock again.
But despite claims of interest in reform, industry lobbyists are refusing to offer concrete suggestions and trying to run out the clock on our efforts.