Lakeside in Switzerland, at the Cully Jazz Festival, it's 6 o'clock on Sunday evening.
Clearly, it's up to all employers to stop the clock on wage and hour liability.
Guan went on the clock on 12, and received his first warning at the 13th.
The developers will meet the cost of setting up the clock on the roundabout.
Under U.S. law, the clock on patent protection--20 years--starts ticking at a drug's invention.
Financial cable TV shows have taken to putting a countdown clock on the screen.
Right up to about 10 o'clock on election night the local press treated him like a cartoon character.
Thus Patton became a movie idea called "Patton, " and the clock on the project began ticking in 1951.
This basic misunderstanding, left unattended, may one day lead governments to turn back the clock on liberal trade.
There is a good community of participants around the clock on this contract.
FORBES: CME Group's Hunnable: Copper-Trading Volume Sharply Higher; Big Rise During Asian Hours
Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary general, says that high food prices are "turning back the clock on development gains".
As the clock on the mantle in his office chimed the quarter hours, he hammered away at their assumptions.
Indeed, at five o'clock on a Thursday afternoon, just as I was leaving, a party seemed to be developing organically.
It is 10 o'clock on Saturday night, and I am at our South Camp with my hosts Ozzie and Aleesuk.
She kept the alarm clock on the dresser wound, and accurate to the minute by the wireless morning and evening.
One is to turn back the clock on financial integration: then pure-floating or semi-fixed systems might once again be used successfully.
It's like a grandfather clock on a grander scale, Mr. Bezos said.
WSJ: What Makes Jeff Bezos Tick? A $42 Million Clock, for Starters
Suddenly as I watched as the clock on the theatre wall it started to whizz round, each hour lasting less than a minute.
We create, play, communicate round the clock on our smart phones, tablets, laptops and game devices at airports, coffee shops and bus stations.
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The Dept. of Justice in late January has also asked the FCC to delay the clock on the application filed by Sprint.
FORBES: Is Clearwire's "Special Committee" Finally Doing Its Proper Job?
"That hour when we opened our clearance website, at 5 o'clock on Christmas Eve, was our single busiest day online, ever, " Mr Street said.
It's ten o'clock on Sunday morning in Mumbai, and Suresh Goklaney is embarking on a round of sales calls for the Indian company Eureka Forbes.
But despite claims of interest in reform, industry lobbyists are refusing to offer concrete suggestions and trying to run out the clock on our efforts.
By about 5 o'clock on Friday afternoon, Mr. Tims still hadn't checked out from room 3711 at the W Hotel near Times Square, police officials said.
"The nurses from the hospital rang Alexander's brother just after ten o'clock on Sunday morning to say he had gone missing from the hospital, " she said.
The reality is that top executives travel constantly, miss their families and work around the clock on a schedule that is not of their own making.
Shortly after 9 he quietly slipped out, opting to skip a performance by jazz singer Cassandra Wilson in the interest of keeping his body clock on Moscow time.
We were made to wait in there, and this was six o'clock on the evening, and he didn't get a bed until about eight o'clock on that night.
The reorganization, which Otellini put a 90-day clock on back at the end of April, has sparked speculation about what other changes may be in store for the company.
As I noted the other day, this is particularly true for software devices and other complex products, where trivial changes can be exaggerated in an effort to run out the clock on a patent.