Last month, Prof Wilmut announced that he was abandoning the cloning of humanembryos in stem cell research in favour of a new technique developed in Japan.
LONDON, England (Reuters) -- The House of Lords has backed new government rules to allow limited cloning of humanembryos, though religious leaders from across the spectrum urged them to oppose the measures.
The basic techniques of human embryo creation that Dr. Edwards pioneered form the technical foundation of in vitro fertilization, humancloning techniques, genetic screening of humanembryos and embryonic-stem-cell research.
Frist's principles include banning humancloning and allowing taxpayer dollars for research only on embryos created for in-vitro fertilization and not from abortions.
"The administration is strongly opposed to any legislation that would prohibit humancloning for reproductive purposes but permit the creation of cloned embryos for research, " the policy statement said.