Florida is a closed primary, so no crossover voting among Republicans and Democrats is allowed.
Florida is a closed primary, which means that only registered party members may vote in their own party's primary.
And unlike New Hampshire and South Carolina, where McCain won primaries thanks to support from independent voters, Florida holds a closed primary, meaning only registered Republicans can vote in the GOP primary there.
Activist factions can disproportionately dominate a straw poll, caucus or even a closed partisan primary, but they are not remotely representative of the general electorate.
The authority angered some parents last year when it closed Ridge Meadow Primary School in Walderslade, Chatham.
The town of Hodmezovasarhely in south-eastern Hungary has been a pioneer, with five out of 11 primary schools closed last year alone.
St Mary's CE Primary School, near Leominster, was closed in August 2011 and reopened as Dilwyn CE Primary in September 2011.
The rest will be allocated when voters come back to their precincts after the primary polls have closed and caucus.
Homes in the area were evacuated and two primary schools were closed as army bomb experts deal with the device.
St Teresa's Primary School was closed and a number of homes were evacuated after it was found early on Tuesday morning.
In many states, Mr Romney has no formal presence, having closed his offices after the local primary, or never having opened any in the first place.
In Midlothian six nurseries, 35 primary and six secondary schools closed and two special schools shut.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Thousands walk out during strike
Hollyfast Primary School in Coventry was closed on Monday because of heating problems.
By contrast, Mr Romney has closed offices in individual states after the primary contests, and has only a handful of people on the ground.
Odzala is characterized by a rich variety of habitats, including primary rain forest with a closed canopy (e.g. with Entandrophragma utile, E. candollei and E. cylindricum) and open understorey layer, forests dominated by dense formations of Marantaceae, forest clearings and savannas on the hilltops (e.g. with Hymenocardia acida, Annona arenaria or Hyparrhenia diplandra).
Cuomo and legislative leaders met for well over an hour behind closed doors Tuesday night and casinos was a primary topic.
If your state has a primary, is it open or closed?
CNN: CNN Student News Learning Activity: Caucuses and Primaries
Bishopton Redmarshall Primary School, near Stockton, was closed on Monday after access roads were flooded.
While the Democrats were unable to land a top-tier opponent for DeWine when filing closed, the senator found himself with an odd primary opponent: former congressman Frank Cremeans.
The EESD Centers are located in primary schools of those communities that have been closed due to the reduction of population in these areas.
One mother from Norwich, who asked not to be named, said she received more than 30 emails over Friday, Saturday and Sunday, telling her Recreation Road Primary School and City of Norwich School were closed.
BBC: Norfolk school closures text and email alerts suspended
Two small primary schools in Somerset are at risk of being closed down over falling class sizes.
Dovelands Primary School, in Hinckley Road, Leicester, is closed for a third day on Wednesday because of flooding.
Numerous schools are closed, including all schools on Arran, all Argyll and Bute primary schools south of Tarbert and more than a dozen schools in Dumfries and Galloway.
His school, Epworth Primary Academy, and a number of businesses in the town were closed.
Paul Butler, inclusion and access manager for East Riding of Yorkshire Council, said Dunswell Primary School and Gembling Primary School were the first of a "handful" of schools that could be closed.