But selling is still the hardest part of this business, especially since local suppliers have so much clout.
The agreement gives the soldiers some clout, which is almost certainly to Golkar's advantage.
They don't have the political or economic clout to stop Las Vegas, but they're trying anyway.
Microsoft used to have this kind of clout in the glory days of the personal computer.
Most would rather use their limited diplomatic clout to gain economic or political gains for themselves.
CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek | Intelligence | It's the Rights Time
Surely, they say, a high-profile visible mayor would give a city significant extra clout?
Chipotle founder Steve Ells, a Birkenstock-wearing 34-year-old gourmet cook, couldn't be happier with his newfound clout.
That ruling has given the First Nations more legal clout, and they are using it.
He must add conservative clout to a crisis-fighting policy with which many conservatives are uneasy.
They lack political clout within Germany, however, which makes the odds of reform much longer.
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Helping ignite the craze is Scott Harris, who is providing money and marketing clout.
With that kind of clout behind Windows, what is the point of supporting anything else?
CNN: Linux' success is remarkable, but nothing is guaranteed
But the central bank has new clout abroad and at home its stock is high.
Community banks have far more political clout with both parties than big banks do.
Much of Mr. Dimon's authenticity and clout came from the soundness of his institution.
The greatness of a nation is measured in such ways, not in size or financial clout.
Even where it exists, they invariably lack the political and financial clout to press their claims.
WTO, without which trade disputes might be settled by clout and not the law.
As the company has grown in size, so has its clout with its manufacturers.
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More consolidation would certainly give steel firms extra clout when negotiating ore and coke prices.
But it is clear that the real prize is greater clout in search and advertising.
With the United States behind it, CEDAW would have even more clout than it does.
It is a striking contrast with the outgoing administration, in which economists never had much clout.
For students, the main attraction of the subject is getting a qualification with hard-currency clout.
The wish among creditors and investors is that this week's decision will give creditors more clout.
"He had a pretty fair clout on his head, " said tour boss Robin McBryde.
As a result Russia, which has real clout, might yet be drawn into negotiating for peace.
Mr. Ryan's position as chairman of the House Budget Committee gave it clout and prominence.
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Election would give the second chamber a greater legitimacy, and that would give it more clout.
Combining forces is a way for stores to increase their buying clout with distributors.