Many brought flowers - the cloying scent lingering in the station for hours after.
If people find the name Attyson too cloying, it gives way to Addison.
WSJ: Go Ahead and Name Her Rhiannon: Joe Queenan on Baby Names | Moving Targets
Our next stop was the Tamagotchi, that cloying virtual pet from Japan that needed constant love and attention to grow.
Names, no matter how cloying, no matter how contrived, no matter how stupid, come into being because somebody wants to bring them into being.
WSJ: Go Ahead and Name Her Rhiannon: Joe Queenan on Baby Names | Moving Targets
Despite the cloying image that maple syrup may evoke, the talented chefs here are adept at churning out light and savoury local dishes with a multitude of flavours.
Muscular when needed to be, tender without becoming cloying, the score respects the performance-capture 3-D film's appeal to adults and children, tightening the tension without resorting to terror.
WSJ: Who Will Win the Oscar for Best Score? | By Jim Fusilli
The slightly cloying, plummy oyster-and-bacon pad thai elicited the opposite response, as did Filipino short ribs kare-kare, which, though well flavored with coconut, peanuts, and pickled chiles, were almost chalky in texture.
"New Girl, " easily dismissed at first as cloying hipsterism, has also found a balance, thanks partly to the excellent Jake Johnson, whose chemistry with Deschanel is, for better or worse, TV's new Ross-Rachel.
One reason is that even in ultra-religious South Carolina Mr Inglis's hair-shirt goodness (rather than rent an apartment, he sleeps on an inflatable mattress in his Washington office) can seem a trifle cloying, even unconvincing.
ECONOMIST: How one of the South��s diminished Democrats hopes to hold on
Foremost among them is the inaptly cloying archness with which Vivian addresses the audience from start to finish ("It is not my intention to give away the plot, but I think I die at the end").
WSJ: Wit | The Motherf**cker With the Hat | Into the (Spot)light | Theater Reviews by Terry Teachout
The pleasures of lousy baseball are so bound up with cloying romanticism, about Chicago's crumbling old yard and Boston fans who only got to enjoy a championship as octogenarians, that you have to be cautious about touting them, so that string music doesn't start swelling.
The use of a triple pun could be cloying in a less sophisticated execution, but here, the fact that the app is about polls between polar opposite choices and that the logo (and mascot) for the design is a polar bear is smile (not groan) inducing.
Turin had great fun penning his reviews, giving raves to fragrances he liked ("Thanks to Rive Gauche, mortals can at last know the scent of the goddess Diana's bath soap") and slamming those he hated ("57 for Her is a sad little thing, an incongruous dried-prunes note with a metallic edge that manages the rare feat of being at once cloying and harsh").