For the tissue-growing experiment, the researchers focused on the clump of cells containing embryonic stem cells.
They arrived in a clump, from one man to four inside a minute or two.
The lymph nodes clump and attach to one another or to the surrounding tissue.
This slowly moving clump was composed entirely of sodium atoms, effectively turning light into matter.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Cool clouds turn light to matter
Stepping forward, aiming into the center of the clump, the older man fired, reloaded, and fired again.
This causes debris to clump together in that region, creating a planet in just a few thousand years.
And I saw: a thickish mass, yellowish and red and blue, a pulsing thing with spaces, a shaded clump.
The clump of larger blue nodes in the center are editors who contributed to many of the other articles.
When the big search engines run across a photo, all they see is an undifferentiated clump of digital bits.
He picks up a clump, and again the detector registers a high reading.
She was found with a clump of someone else's hair in one hand and strands of her own under the other.
Just after you turn off the highway into the settlement, behind some rather ramshackle barbed wire, is a clump of sheds and temporary cabins.
Throw in a couple of hot-pink sweet pea vines and a clump of sunflowers, and you've exhausted the color wheel for good.
The cover shows her head, teeth bared and hair teased into a manic clump, in place of the headlight on a chopper-style motorcycle.
Carl Clump, the boss of Retail Decisions, a fraud-detection firm based near London with clients including Wal-Mart, Sears and Bloomingdale's, offers an example.
An inner clump of cells in the blastocyst goes on to form the embryo, while an outer layer goes on to make the placenta.
Keneally also listed another cause that (in theory) might explain why a clump of Bank Leumi customers were thrown out of the program.
FORBES: Taxpayers Who Lost Offshore Account Amnesty Promised Fair Treatment
He snaked it up into the heart, inflating the balloon to squish a clump of plaque against the artery's inner wall to clear it.
Instead, the team found, they tend to clump together in bigger clusters of molecules - and then as even bigger lumps composed of these clusters.
At the point at which the embryos are destroyed, a few days' development has taken place since fertilisation and they are a microscopic clump of cells.
He said it tasted great, but when it shipped across the country the altitude caused the butterfat in the blend to clump, and Starbucks nixed it.
WSJ: Steven Smith, Teamaker: The All-Star Alchemist of Top-Shelf Tea | Creating
In fact, under these conditions Viagra caused the platelets to clump together at concentrations well below those found in patients prescribed the drug as an impotence treatment.
The Colorado team solved the problem by using a fluorescent green protein to highlight rare fragments of the enzyme that did not clump together in the usual way.
In the lab, Gracias' researchers grabbed dozens of live animal cells from a clump at the end of a tube the width of a capillary, without killing the cells.
And these heavy elements are very important for making stars, because they allow the hydrogen and the helium to clump together, and collapse into stars then, and start to shine.
It has previously proved difficult to study telomerase in close detail because the enzyme tends to clump together outside of cells, preventing it from forming the ordered crystals necessary for structural analysis.
The song is built from a weepy, descending bass line that is answered by a high figure, which plays a clump of small, hard sounds that are like both live instruments and computer-generated signals.