Instead of some clunky traditional camera interface, you'll be welcomed by your own, deliciously customizable environment.
ENGADGET: Samsung Galaxy Camera review: a 21x compact shooter brought to life by Android
The Torch, a subsequent model with a keyboard, was also underpowered and clunky to use.
The smooth controls of Top Spin 2 were replaced by an incredibly clunky scheme.
The rotary phones are clunky, the lifts and stencilled warning signs have a slipshod look.
And there's some clunky stuff in musical theater that's not as lush as it could be.
Right now navigation is clunky because every button press causes the page to refresh.
ENGADGET: How-To Hacks finalist: Controlling your home with your PSP
No more pencils, no more books, no more clunky desktop PCs or laptops either.
Yet the new members have much to do to improve their clunky administrative machinery.
But however clunky Open's banking services turn out to be, they will at least be convenient.
Existing DNA sequencers, he reasoned, used clunky technology akin to computers based on vacuum tubes.
When users click on the ad, they are taken out of the app to clunky browser.
These were sleeker versions of the clunky ones being manufactured by state-owned monopolies back home.
They tend towards a freshness and brightness (read: these are not clunky, sloppy, palate-coating wines).
Users are moving away from PCs to mobile devices, and refusing to use clunky enterprise interfaces.
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When you're in a dress, don't wear towering platforms, shoes with ankle straps and clunky wedges.
We know the clunky and buggy BB small screen phones are are not internet friendly.
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And because early foldingbikes were created by engineers rather than designers, many have been pretty clunky looking.
Plus, it runs a clunky, old version of Android called Gingerbread that was released two years ago.
He has been putting money to work in that space since Apple made chunky, clunky desktops.
However, few customers have the technology to make this anything other than a clunky and time-consuming exercise.
After a few more rides with clunky running shoes, it became clear that I was inefficiently expending energy.
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It also wouldn't hurt if the process of borrowing a e-book were less clunky at many libraries.
CNN: E-book lending: Your public library's best kept secret?
Was that a beautiful turn of phrase or a particularly clunky section that could do with an edit?
FORBES: Gladwell's 10,000 Hours: A Useless Goal For Fledgeling Writers
Bureaucrats plead that just a bit more time and money will fix the clunky monsters they have created.
Sure, there are third-party keyboards you can buy to add onto the iPad, but they can be clunky.
What they weren't digging so much was how "big and clunky" the Zune is compared with an iPod.
And there is that rare moment when the clunky words of a merger news release actually ring true.
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Much of the city's clunky, unreliable Underground was built in the reign of Queen Victoria, and it shows.
ECONOMIST: The capital's overflowing drains are due for a big upgrade
The back offices of U.S. banks operate with clunky, decades-old computer systems that are ripe for replacement, he argues.
Makeup artists can layer prosthetics on him without giving him a clunky silhouette.