If this argument wins the day, customers of coal-burning utilities will see murderous price increases.
Its increase in coal-burning is increasing almost as much as nuclear, wind and hydro combined.
Coal-burning power stations have cut output significantly, while gas-burning has surged ahead, faster than renewables.
There are 25 of them--enough to mount a congressional filibuster blocking any measures that inordinately hurt coal-burning utilities.
This is in contrast to the situation in electricity production, where gas-burning plants are cheaper to build than coal-burning ones.
Health experts say coal-burning power plants produce far more pollution linked to respiratory health problems than natural gas-fired plants produce.
The emissions licensing regime, shortening the lifespan of coal-burning power stations, has already begun to take big lumps out of capacity.
He will also announce plans for a fresh round of soft loans to help clean up China's filthy coal-burning power stations.
Many others, notably Exxon-Mobil, but also much of America's coal-burning utility sector, have remained deeply opposed to any such efforts as has President Bush.
Furnaces could no longer emit "dark smoke" and households were offered grants towards the cost of converting their coal-burning grates to smokeless fuel.
Proponents point to the particulates released by coal-burning power plants, which, according to some estimates, cause 20, 000 premature deaths annually in the U.S. alone.
The latest subsidy changes mean that for many firms it's not worthwhile building bespoke biomass power stations, but it is worthwhile converting some existing coal-burning stock.
Coal-burning power plants may get a new life and one that is tied to the co-firing of biomass, or wood chips, that may result in less pollution.
Beijing catches so much of the pollution from coal-burning power plants because it sits at the center of a ring of mountains, which help trap the smog.
McCarthy would succeed Lisa Jackson, who was repeatedly forced to defend her EPA stance favoring tougher federal standards on toxic pollutants and mercury emissions from coal-burning power plants.
Chastened, in 1995 Ertel joined the then-new pollution desk at Natsource, where he sold sulfur dioxide credits in a market created by tough U.S. regulations on coal-burning utilities.
Chastened, in 1995 Ertel joined the then new pollution desk at Natsource, where he sold sulfur dioxide credits in a market created by tough U.S. regulations on coal-burning utilities.
The effect was multiplied by the creation of coal-burning locomotives and the rise of the railroads (thanks again to profit-seekers, such as George Stephenson) and ultimately by oil and the rise of cars, trucks, and airplanes.
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RWE, for example, is dropping dark hints about scrapping a DM4.5 billion project to build a coal-burning power plant in the north-west, wiping out 14, 000 new jobs a blow in a country where unemployment is nearly 11%.
Two summers ago, a truckload of Beijing municipal workers turned up in my neighborhood and began unspooling heavy-duty black power lines, which they attached to our houses, in preparation for a campaign to replace coal-burning furnaces with electric radiators.
We honestly believe, as do most analysts, that it's not too long into the future before the price curves of technologies like standard photovoltaic solar and some upcoming breakthroughs are at cost parity with conventionally -- like, coal-burning-generated electricity.
CNN: Transcript of June 'CNN Money Summit: Money & Main St.'
American Electric Power agreed late Friday in federal court in Columbus, Ohio, to retire or switch to natural gas two coal-burning units at the Muskingum River power plant in Ohio and the Tanners Creek power plant in Indiana by the end of 2015.
Dr Alamaro wants to use a gas-burning, rather than a coal- or oil-burning plant, because the exhaust produced by burning natural gas is free from sulphur dioxide, which plants hate.
Kinder says he's looking for other pipeline partnerships to buy, and Kinder Morgan is expanding into terminals that handle coal and other dry bulk materials, hoping to capitalize on long-term trends such as the shift by electric utilities away from Appalachian coal toward cleaner- burning western coal.
Enterprises are being pressed to change over from coal to cleaner-burning natural gas and methane, and to be more energy-efficient by modernizing their plant equipment in the switch.
Scientists say it's apparent that human activity -- namely burning coal, oil and natural gas -- has been driving a rapid rise of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.
Taking the place of coal will be clean-burning natural gas and clean, green solar and wind power.
Restaurants and caterers will be banned from burning coal -- a measure that will threaten Beijing's beloved lamb kebabs, known as yangrou chuan.
Further, says Peabody, world steel production is up 8% this year, requiring an added 75 million tons of extra hard and hot-burning metallurgical coal.
"When we compare changes in the black carbon to changes in these other indicators, it is clear that most of the increases in black carbon in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, particularly in winter and spring, resulted from industrial emissions - probably from coal burning, " he added.
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