Since their tentative early days, the Emes have coalesced into a fraternity for hardline criminals.
The NRA itself has changed since the conservative movement coalesced to take over the previously sportsman-focused organization.
Democrats nationwide have coalesced around Obama since he received enough delegates to win the nomination Tuesday evening.
And I think it coalesced a lot of things that he had seen into, you know, one word.
But an alliance of 100 rare-disease support groups from 12 European countries has coalesced around orphan-drug legislation to form Eurordis.
The Scottish Socialists took 7% of the vote in both contests, as anti-government sentiment coalesced around left and Green candidates rather than the nationalists.
The long hype of Carmelo Anthony in New York City has coalesced into something real, and there's a lightness to his mood.
When its momentum coalesced Wednesday into the Occupy Wall Street March, it included some 5, 000 people, many of them from organized labor.
FORBES: Environmentalists Join The 'Occupy Wall Street' Fray
While several cardinals had initially tapped Cardinal Bergoglio as a possible successor to John Paul II, a majority coalesced around the then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.
The Republicans have coalesced around U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan's budget plan.
The proponents of the plan reportedly were caught flat-footed when urban blacks and environmentalists, which should have been their natural partners, coalesced against the project.
I'm still left, though, with an unshakable sense of "Up" being rushed and sketchy, a collection of lovely storyboards that coalesced incompletely or not at all.
New York's burgeoning technology sector wants to flex its newfound political muscle in this year's mayoral race, the first since digital companies coalesced in the city.
Before 1998, the Republican Governors had never coalesced as a power base, partly because there had never been such a critical mass, 32 of them in all.
In 1962 a new conservative insurgency was catching fire in the U.S. The champion around whom the movement had coalesced was a U.S. senator from Arizona, Barry Goldwater.
As I got closer, vague shapes coalesced into the clean lines of German colonial-era buildings, all the same dusty reddish brown as everything else in that part of Africa.
WSJ: Kyle Mills on an Adventurer's Hotel in Namibia | Traveler's Tale
In 1962 a new conservative insurgency was catching fire in the U.S. The national champion around whom the movement had coalesced was a U.S. senator from Arizona named Barry Goldwater.
There were plenty of opportunities for generating efficiencies, because the operation had coalesced as a result of mergers and acquisitions from numerous legacy cultures that had only partially integrated practices.
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The Opera House had already said it favoured a contemporary story with a touch of humour but nothing really coalesced until Turnage met Richard Thomas, co-author of Jerry Springer: the Opera.
Small sedentary communities gradually coalesced into large social groups.
The French, German and Spanish companies that coalesced into EADS in 2000 had to follow a different route, and as a result they are today best known for the commercial transports that Airbus makes.
Decorated in the second world war, he was a shady serial entrepreneur sympathetic to the views of an Austrian economist, Friedrich Hayek, and a group of liberal, free-marketeering economists that coalesced around him at the London School of Economics.
Trans-Global Underground coalesced about 12 years ago from an alliance of musical misfits, deejays and multinational dilettantes in Britain, who, fed up with the endless diet of corporate pop, just wanted to follow the music in their own heads.
The Electronic Systems business of Northrop Grumman coalesced from a series transactions that acquired parts of Westinghouse, Teledyne, L ITTon Industries and TRW. Raytheon grew to its current prominence by acquiring the old Hughes Electronics and parts of Texas Instruments.
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While public opinion has sometimes coalesced, euro-sceptically, around particular issues in these countries, what has been lacking is a broad philosophical acceptance that integration may have gone far enough or, indeed, as Mr Cameron has argued, need to be reversed in some areas.
By the time the makers of cigarettes were fighting against legislation on secondary smoking and the makers of chlorofluorocarbons against regulations to protect the ozone layer, their efforts had coalesced into a general attack on the environmental movement and the regulatory bodies it had brought into being.
Similarly, the Arab Spring seems to have been triggered by another series of radical changes in society, from technology and iPhones to food shortages to the beginnings of the rise of a middle class in these societies, that have coalesced into widespread revolt and dissatisfaction with ruling governments.
FORBES: The Arab Spring -- Energy And The Road To Democracy?
The quartet Alt-J, whose "An Awesome Wave" won last year's Mercury Prize as Britain's best album, did much with little on stage as odd two-part vocal harmonies, a gently picked electric guitar, lush synth lines and syncopated percussion coalesced into a distinctive blend that united folk, prog rock, electronica, show tunes and hip-hop.
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