"peacekeeping" personnel and the launching of a "coalition ofthewilling" determined to punish Serbia for its predations and to encourage conditions that will allow the Bosnian people to secure a fair and durable peace.
Once that is accomplished, the United States should take the lead in assembling a "coalition ofthewilling" prepared and disposed to make effective use of military power (namely air assets) to punish the Serbs.
In the absence of a conclusion to the Doha free trade talks, Mr Cameron also proposed that a "coalition ofthewilling" could "forge ahead with more ambitious deals of their own" such as agreements with India, Canada and Singapore.
Mr. Bersani may be committed to honoring Mr. Monti's existing reforms and, if he is bold enough to face down his party's left wing, may even be willing to go further as the price ofcoalition.
Bremer said thecoalition is "willing to consider refinements, " but that the administration will not alter the planned June 30 handover of sovereignty to the Iraqis.