Transfer the broiled ingredients to a food processor and process into a coarse puree.
Is the Russian Big Brother a bit more coarse and disoriented than his American counterpart?
FORBES: Stephen Holmes and Putinism: Missing the Forest for the Trees
In parts, the debate over climate change has got very ugly, coarse, vituperative and personal.
Cornmeal can range from a fine flour to a grind as coarse as Kosher salt.
Blend at medium speed until the butter is incorporated and the mixture looks like coarse meal.
It's possible to take this too far, however: over-extracted wine can be bitter and coarse.
WSJ: Does Good Wine Come to Those Who Wait? | On Wine by Lettie Teague
He spent two terms in parliament as a member for Qom, coarse but widely popular.
Stand shod upon it for it is coarse and sharp and the stones cut under the feet.
The chorus of birdsong is briefly interrupted by footsteps and the scuffing of boots on coarse stone.
When did fly-fishing come to be regarded as a patrician activity and coarse-fishing as a plebeian one?
The new film stars Hugh Grant as the coarse-tongued English host of a top-ranking television talent contest.
Also, one of her six children is allergic to dog hair, so Petey's coarse, human-like hair is ideal.
Mr Krugman argues that the effect is bigger, but that import statistics are too coarse to capture it.
ECONOMIST: The elusive link between trade and wage inequality
British modernists and postmodernists alike have warmed themselves before Hawksmoor's flinty buildings, with their coarse masses and deceptive volumes.
WSJ: St. Mary Woolnoth | Nicholas Hawksmoor | Fortress of God | Masterpiece by Richard B. Woodward
All of the hand offs today are coarse but in the future, this will feel like a fluid relationship.
In the perfect absence of thundering house music, the call of a lone, coarse-throated bird thunders like a foghorn.
At Cochon, Mr. Stryjewski uses irregular and coarse crumbs made from po'boy bread.
WSJ: Stephen Stryjewski's Paneed Rabbit With Citrus, Sage and Caper-Butter Sauce | Slow Food Fast
The coarse, almost particulate sun was showering in through the window, filling the small antiseptic space with a false radiance.
The best comedy is not just senselessly rebellious, coarse or cruel but uses its cruelty to make a further point.
Coarse fish swam in them: pike and carp, tench and bream, and so on down to the tiny dace and gudgeon.
It is a short hop from the bow onto the coarse yellow sand, the start of a four-hour walk back to Marahau.
The difference between Williams' comments and typical football coaching rhetoric, which can be almost as coarse, is that the violence is personalized.
But perhaps he is learning, at last, to be outgoing, even coarse.
Obie rubbed his narrow face, his whiskers crackling like coarse steel wool.
Moreover, most of the decline in coarse-grain stocks has come in China.
ECONOMIST: Is the decline in grain stockpiles a cause for alarm?
The Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT) grazes about 300 Belted Galloway cows on its conservation heathlands to clear coarse grass smothering insects and plants.
Their truck, an old beater, had a camper on the back that was trimmed with weathered wooden two-by-fours, decorated in coarse carvings of trout.
But we will live in exactly as rude and coarse a world as we will tolerate, and I do not intend to tolerate very much.
It did not, however, always reflect British or even Tory opinion, which was (and remains) prone to seeing the U.S. as a coarse, overbearing ally.