You can then go back to the ZIP code page and widen your search.
The chancellor is setting up an Office for Tax Simplification to streamline the 11, 000-page tax code.
An octo-exemption might make as much sense as some of the other stuff in the 5, 000-page tax code.
You can rationalize tax fudging just by taking a look at the 15, 100-page tax code (statute and regulations combined).
There are other reasons why such a page or code might be used.
This diversity of QR software makes it incredibly difficult to standardize the experience of following a QR code to a landing page.
The 50-page ministerial code details the rules to which the first minister, his ministers and members of the Scottish Parliament must abide.
Truth is, America's tax burden--after you add up state and local and pile on the cost of complying with our buffoonish 54, 000-page tax code--is not much less than Europe's.
Newly discovered code in a Google page hints that it might just become part of the standard web search interface -- provided you opt to turn it on, of course.
It is exactly this type of reactionary response to an isolated, extreme example that left Springfield with a pricey Bear Patrol, and the U.S. with a 70, 000-page Internal Revenue Code.
As Gaffney notes, enforcement of keyword association could prove difficult for FDA. Unlike visible words, metadata sits in the source code and HTML of a page, and is largely invisible to the untrained eye.
Today, a single Web page can contain computer code from dozens of different ad companies or tracking firms.
This was first spotted at Reddit I believe: and that mystery piece of code has now disappeared from the page again.
To get local headlines and weather reports on, enter your zip code or visit our local news page and select your location.
By leveraging the social connections in a network like Facebook or MySpace, phishers could send messages to a site's users that seem to be sent by a friend, and suggest visiting a page infected with bank code stealing software.
The source code on the site's main page suggests that it was, in fact, created in 1999.
When scanned, a 1.5in (4cm) Quick Response (QR) code on the memorial launches a biography web page of the deceased on a smartphone or computer.
On top of that, the popup code can introduce problems with the display of a page.
The user can type in the home page URL faster than scanning the QR code and the URL was already listed in the materials.
With BMW for instance, consumers can visit a Web page and print off a simple bar code which they then show in front of their Web cam.
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The supply checklist and source code are waiting on the company's project page below, so those who'd like to ward off miniature invasions can get started today.
Many companies have formal dress code policies, including UBS which has a 44-page document with specific stipulations that disallow women from wearing more than seven pieces of jewelry and men from wearing cufflinks.
She had them walk her through how to take the code they offered so she could embed widgets like a registration page and calendar on her own website.
The 12-page document was issued in response to several breaches of its code, many of which included explicit music videos.
You could allow users to comment, or cut and paste some code that will publish it on your own blog or website, facebook page or anywhere you can think of.
So, the PGP source code was only available in a 43-volume, 65, 000-page set of books sold in a Palo Alto bookstore called Printer's Ink.
CNN: Technology - Security flaw discovered in Network Associates PGP software
The new player has been completely rewritten in ActionScript 3 code and should resolve current issues, as well as being significantly lighter in page load.
By enticing a user to visit a maliciously crafted web page, an attacker can trigger the issue which may lead to arbitrary code execution.
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If a user has set up that safeguard and no code appears when he or she is prompted to log in, then the login page might be fake.
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