The company board found the ornaments gaudy, but wanted to improve and codify the concept.
The legislation, which is an amendment to the Clean Air Act, will codify EPA authority.
The government has no capacity to codify these tenuous, personal, and mutable relationships.
FORBES: American Political Economy Is No Different From English Language
Whatever the potential motivations for trying to codify international rules for using UAVs, such a move would be ill advised.
It will codify much more clearly the different potential offences that must be addressed and the options available to sanction.
Better leave that in place, for judges to interpret as they will, albeit in a messy way, than codify it further.
Medical groups, managed-care organizations and insurance companies codify and use treatment guidelines.
At which point the appeals courts, up to and including possibly the Supremes, are going to have to try and codify the system.
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The directive must codify who can divulge what, when and under which conditions, and call for a universal commitment to accurate reports that also maintain operational security.
On the other hand, it would codify the Bush-era lower income-tax rates for most Americans as permanent law, ending the recurring battles over how long they will endure.
It fell to a younger generation of physicists, in a burst in the late 1920s and early 1930s, to codify it into a universal system now known as quantum mechanics.
Obviously, communities must remain free to codify their values.
FORBES: Marriage Is A Private Matter That's None Of The Federal Government's Business
What the legislation really did was not so much create new rights as ratify and codify what tens of millions of Chinese had already put into practice, turning the more or less informal in-to the formal.
What the legislation really did was not so much create new rights as ratify and codify what tens of millions of Chinese had already put into practice, turning the more or less informal in-to the for-mal.
We no longer live in a world where New Musical Express and Rolling Stone codify the new sounds and new styles into neat definitions like punk and New Romantic for the kids to fix their tribal allegiances.
In 1949, in the aftermath of two devastating global wars, new Geneva Conventions were developed to codify the laws of armed conflict and to limit the activities of combatants with respect both to other combatants and to non-combatants.
And if we were to change the policies and to codify this without the proper discussion, without the proper understanding of what this means, then, in fact, we could be diminishing many of the positions in which they've been held.
Through videotaping subjects in an effort to codify all their facial twitches, he and his team realized that people are prone to sudden, brief (less than a 20th of a second) flashes of expression that directly contradict the dominant expression.
So confident is Milosevic of his political and territorial gains that he is in the process of drafting a new Yugoslav constitution -- designed swiftly to codify the "voluntary" association of Serbian-dominated entities, by means of what might be termed an "All-Union Treaty" for Yugoslavia.
The goal is the passage of the resolution -- the passage through the Senate of a bill that would simply codify that millionaires and billionaires in this country should not pay tax on their income at a lower rate than most folks in the country, in the middle class.
As the Cuomo administration has more recently pursued an agenda that includes rewriting state law regarding abortions to codify it with federal standards, and has delayed a decision on whether to allow a controversial form of natural-gas drilling in the state, voters have come to believe they perceive a shift in the governor's ideology.
If, for the sake of argument, there was reason to believe Iran would take seriously any global consensus on passage through the Strait of Hormuz that would supposedly emerge from American ratification of LOST, the U.S. would still be paying far too high a price simply to codify what we already maintain is our right under customary international law.