Contribute to the strategies and cohesiveness of the UIS, as a member of the Senior Staff Management Team.
UNESCO: Vacancy : Head of Section, Education Outcomes (14/6/2011) (1CAUIS0990ST - (P5))
But at a certain level, coaching and team cohesiveness, complimentary skill-sets and lack of injuries play a leveling role.
While cohesiveness builds gradually in face-to-face teams, virtual teams often feel like no more than globally dispersed individuals working on the same project.
He acknowledged that the eurozone was in crisis but said he believed it would endure, largely due to the determination of Germany and France to preserve its "cohesiveness".
At stake is the American dream and ultimately social cohesiveness.
They have reached this point, Coughlin and some of his players said, in part because they developed a cohesiveness that carried them beyond the mediocrity of their 9-7 regular-season record.
The concept of the huge, sprawling conglomerate which owned everything and anything seemingly fell out of favor decades ago, replaced by a search for core brands and core values with branding cohesiveness.
I've been in all sorts of offices in my life and prefer an open room big enough to hold a team so that there is interaction and team cohesiveness and ability to foster better ideas .
Leopold Road in south London became a conservation area because of "the cohesiveness of the height of the buildings" but that is threatened by "loss of historic features, inappropriate shop fronts and the dominating presence of traffic".
Due to pressure on land resources, urbanization and social transformations, the traditions and cultural practices associated to the Kaya settlements are fast diminishing, posing great danger to the social fabric and cohesiveness of the Mijikenda communities who venerate and celebrate them as their identity and symbol of continuity.
The role of Njurinceke since the start of the Meru community was to preserve the cohesiveness of the people of Meru, the territorial integrity, ensure proper governance of the society with justice and fairness to all, protect the weak and vulnerable especially women and children, and act as guardians of culture and identity.