Many members of this small cohort of elite lawyers bring with them extensive trial experience.
Hope for reform lies with this new cohort of emerging leaders like Kahlil Byrd.
During this prospective observational cohort study, about 2 % of the men developed kidney stones.
The same generation that smokes the most: Millennials, the cohort born between 1977 and 1994.
The red carpet was no better, despite the desperate attempts of my seemingly shameless reporter cohort.
As the data show, the problem is growing larger with each new cohort of seniors.
Because they are the next cohort whom somebody needs to persuade to pay for journalism.
Others want Mr Ozawa to act as mentor to the DPJ's huge cohort of wide-eyed freshmen.
Below them stands a new cohort of nimble entrepreneurs, battle-hardened by that bad old past.
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Wharton's latest executive class there enrolled 102 students, about double the size of the first cohort.
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But what about the growing cohort of Chinese companies starting to strut the world stage?
The GSR data is for the 2010-11 reporting year which reflects the 2004 cohort of freshman.
Others eat fish, in addition to the cohort that eats no meat but consumes dairy and eggs.
All told, Pavlo, Mann, Wilkie and at least one other cohort signed on seven resellers with Orion.
This trend is expected to last until 2024, when the last cohort crosses the age of 65.
Overall 185, 789 15-year-olds did not do the subject in 2008, from a total cohort of 653, 808 pupils.
Wages are falling partly because a cohort of highly paid baby-boomers is retiring, replaced by younger workers.
Validation might be done a split test or by a customer usability test or by cohort analysis.
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In this age cohort, women are outpacing men in both education and income, across the racial spectrum.
Both services rely heavily on GenXers and Millenials, with Flickr more popular with the latter, younger cohort.
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The baby boomers, that vast cohort of post World War II babies, have now started to retire.
Thinkful then customizes the curriculum to their needs and places them with a cohort in a similar track.
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This means not having people with no experience or expertise in epidemiology designing and running large cohort studies.
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Leading the debate, Mark Isherwood AM said only 2% of the eligible cohort use the direct payment scheme.
That is a sobering prospect for the growing cohort of educated and professional Filipinos who appreciate Mr. Aquino's successes.
By no coincidence America's biggest age cohort is at the doorstep of retirement.
But when he decided to marry Kate Middleton he joined a notable cohort of alumni from Scotland's oldest university.
When the researchers reminded the older cohort to focus on accuracy, they paid more attention to the negative options.
In turn, increased competition is likely to produce a higher quality teaching cohort.
The cohort was followed from 1990 to 2007, and incidence of brain tumors was compared between subscribers and non-subscribers.
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