"It's no coincidence that many of the most successful companies today are in Silicon Valley, " Mr Fasol says.
Clearly, that little attention to detail would prove this was far more than a simple coincidence.
And another coincidence is that John Forte is here with me today in the bureau.
It is no coincidence that this most commercial of nations is also the most philanthropic.
It is not a coincidence that jeans are the de facto national outfit of America!
The press corps ignored that ugly coincidence and no one to our knowledge was punished.
It's no coincidence, then, that its views on national security are dangerous and ill-considered.
Vilane says he came across climbing "by coincidence" while working as a game ranger in Swaziland.
It seems no coincidence that the Tea Party made its first electoral inroads there.
It is no coincidence that these initiatives, like the Soviet-Cuban nuclear program, are all energy-related.
It's obviously no coincidence that Microsoft launched their own tablet computer in 2012, the Surface.
But here's a funny thing - which I am sure is a bit of a coincidence.
"It's no coincidence that when Avery went off the floor, Deron Williams got ultra-aggressive, " Rivers said.
And it's no coincidence that almost all of Kaplan's stocks tend to be name brands.
Probably just a calendaring coincidence that the report was due AFTER the mid-term elections.
This is no coincidence, for the Empire State has a tax burden that is notoriously heavy.
It's no coincidence that Martin McGuinness, for instance, is in Washington at the moment.
No coincidence, then, that this week's banquet was paid for by the European aircraftmaker.
ECONOMIST: Airlines stand to lose heavily should the euro collapse
That vintage style begins with, and keeps 1920s fashions at its core is no coincidence.
Polish historical sensitivies about Russia mean that many see the coincidence as sinister rather than tragic.
ECONOMIST: Poland's President Lech Kaczynski dies in a plane crash
At the time, in that summer conversation, neither of us realised an eerie coincidence.
It is no coincidence that, economically, India now dominates this most English of games.
Some of the patterns are the result of fundamental factors, while others are more likely coincidence.
It is no coincidence that these announcements are being made in the week of the march.
Is it coincidence that 1.4 billion adults are considered overweight by the World Health Organization?
Is it just a coincidence that we humans have both needy children and big brains?
Could have been a coincidence, but the animal bounced right back after a little home cooking.
" Like Carrie, Ms. Stiehm's sister is bipolar a coincidence revealed after the writer joined "Homeland.
There are many deliberate echoes of Rapture in Columbia too many to be a coincidence.
That its name has cropped up in so many recent corporate scandals is surely no coincidence.