The researchers published their work, then filed the details (along with 200 seeds) in cold storage.
Crescent Real Estate Equities (offices, hotels, cold storage) is the laugher in this group.
The poor quality of roads, warehouses and cold storage facilities could eat into operators' margins.
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By keeping mostly back-up images on the cold storage server user accessibility impact is minimized.
They also said schools should consider providing "adequate facilities" such as cold storage for food that pupils bring to school.
It is generally believed that these cold storage data centers will use HDDs for primary storage rather than magnetic tape.
Their cold storage specification is for a bulk load fast archive that handles a series of sequential writes and random reads.
The matter is now between the supplier, IBP of Dakota City, Nebraska, and the purchaser, Korea Cold Storage, USDA officials said.
But as oil prices plunged in the Clinton era, the U.S. abandoned its grand solar experiment, and molten salt technology got shoved into cold storage.
Also, new storage models, such as cold storage, are evolving in ways that require enormous amounts of data to be stored and available within a moment's notice.
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With its two doors and four sliding drawers it combines the muscular, industrial effectiveness of restaurant cold storage with the asymmetrical, cabinet-of-curiosities appeal of an old apothecary cupboard.
These included how to keep it in cold storage on long journeys to remoter parts of the region from the main vaccine store at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness.
But instead of cooking the whole things, Dr Molette removed a 200-gram sample from each liver (an average liver weighed 550 grams) and put the rest in cold storage.
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To date, Poland has carried out DNA testing at a national laboratory in Pulawy, in southeastern Poland, on 14 meat samples taken from a cold storage unit, Naze said.
Keeping bears in cold storage isn't an option for Mr. Wizner, who has two already-full freezers and said his mother wouldn't give up any of her freezer space in the house.
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In Ms. Park's case, the kimchi wasn't labeled, so inspectors had no way of knowing what time it was taken out of cold storage, according to a spokeswoman for the department.
These cold storage data centers are under construction and are said to be five times more energy efficient than traditional HDD storage data centers, while allowing users to access old images anytime.
When Florence Wambugu, founder of A Harvest Biotech Foundation International in Kenya, heard about the Gates grants, she immediately thought about three packages of sorghum seeds sitting in cold storage in Des Moines, Iowa.
Hurt by falling demand for its office and hotel properties, plus pricey investments in cold storage and residential development, Crescent Real Estate Equities cut its earnings outlook for 2001 by 13% and its dividend by 32% in October.
As severed fins could be easily stored, it made economic sense for fishing vessels to remove the fins at sea, rather than bringing the entire animal - which would quickly fill a vessel's cold storage areas - into port.
The cosmetics used in embalming have higher levels of pigment and silicone, he explained, so that when the body is moved in and out of cold storage the cosmetics will expand and contract with the tissue beneath without cracking.
At Auvil Fruit, an apple and cherry grower in Orondo, Washington, operations manager Walter Hough says the company used to lose up to 20% of its fruit to mold and spores as it sat in cold storage for up to eight months.
Then there is the Atlas Cold Storage Income Fund (whose underlying firm is a warehouse operator generating most of its revenue in the U.S.), which suspended its third-quarter payout last month after admitting it had goosed prior profits by capitalizing some expenses as assets.
Intel has several OCP engagements in flight including working with the industry to design OCP boards for Intel Xeon and Intel Atom based processors, support for cold storage with the Intel Atom processor, and common hardware management as well as future rack definitions including enabling today's photonics receptacle.
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Mr. Ali, who runs a cold-storage and agriculture business with his brother, said he has always been passionate about animals.
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Cold-storage-device maker Sensitech attached Ember nodes to temperature gauges on refrigerated trucks.
The weightings of the market itself aren't eternal--cold-storage warehouses will never again approach the weighting they had in the 1920s--but they do have resilience.
By adding more of the Brazilian varieties to the mix at certain times, Tropicana can produce not-from-concentrate OJ year-round without running up big cold-storage costs.
Also supermarkets, shopping centers, cold-storage vaults, even a hotel.