It was one of those sunny but crisp, cold winter Sundays that Delhi loves.
We have had a decently cold winter, much of it coming late in the season.
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But then in the middle of the dark and cold winter of 2010 something happened.
Then came that fateful cold winter night, when Tom and Tom began mixing juice in a blender.
This Chicago girl says she loves how cold winter weather brings people inside during this time of year.
Farmers across the country have faced droughts, floods and a long, cold winter in a little over 12 months.
But those cold winter days do happen to coincide with there being no usable wind generated electricity at all.
Young and old, men and women worked from sun up to sun down, through the summer heat and bitterly cold winter.
Mr Wicks says that only the heaviest industrial users would be affected by an extremely cold winter, if one does occur.
Home through the streets with you in my arms, cold winter mornings in a Colorado town, you've seen me stumble and watched you fall.
The assistant highways director said a "Herculean effort" was going into fixing road damage in the county after a bitterly cold winter.
As the cold winter arrives, let's not forget the disaster and the people whose lives have been turned upside down by it.
After an unusually cold winter in 2011 (December 2010-February 2011) the winter of 2012 was unusually warm in the continental United States.
Managers of the bombed-out electricity grid reckon that a cold winter beckons.
The Northern Hemisphere is finally beginning to wake up from a long, cold winter, and green vehicles are taking to the skies.
Stock building, the concentration of new capacity additions to fourth quarter 2012 and an unusually cold winter likely helped push up refinery runs.
It's a cold winter afternoon, and instead of making the tea she had suggested, she decides to open a bottle of red wine.
Although they now have a friend in the White House, the cold economy and cold winter will cool public ardor for global warming initiatives.
Responding for the government, Transport Minister Chris Mole said that "this unprecedentedly prolonged and exceptionally cold winter has caused difficulty for all highway authorities".
Seasons 52, with operations in Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Texas, understands the temptation that the cold winter months bring.
Cold winter weather will be here for a few more weeks.
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The unusually cold winter also made the power glut less severe.
Peak electricity demand in the UK comes on cold winter days.
Ideally, bats need a warm spring followed by a summer without heavy rain and high winds and a steady cold winter so they remain in hibernation.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Highlands and Islands | Baby bats hit by cold, wet summer
Hard to find any nail-biting about a cold winter propping up already higher-than-normal gas prices at Energen Corp (nyse: EGN - news - people ).
But he and his generals underestimated the endurance and valor of the Russian people, as well as the bitterly cold winter conditions under which they would be fighting.
And that wind power will, on those cold winter days, be able to provide no electricity at all (or, to be more truthful, on some such winter days).
ILEX, a consultancy, thinks that the French and Germans are wary of releasing stored gas on to the market so early in what could be a long, cold winter.
You should also be aware that almost none of us have air conditioning: our peak energy demand is very definitely in these cold winter snaps, not in summer for cooling.