Claroline is a collaborative learning environment that allows teachers or education institutions to create and administer courses through the web.
Collaborative learning with teachers in the same school was the most common sort of professional development, mainly in staff or departmental meetings.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Teachers love job but want help
Now that this massive collaborative learning project has succeeded, it would be a shame if we used it to take the humanity out of learning altogether.
This requires that the State plays a central role in resource provision and regulation, a commitment by schools to promote collaborative learning and to take into account the specific needs of teachers at different stages in the career path, and the involvement of teacher training institutions.
While my years as a debate coach taught me that collaborative learning often enables slow or recalcitrant learners to hide behind the drive and discipline of top achievers in a group, it also elicits a need to succeed in students whose learning style requires more hands-on experiences.
There needs to be some of the attributes you mentioned in (3) and more, such as: reflection and pattern-seeking, embracing ambiguity, tolerance for risk taking, iterative and collaborative approaches, experimentation and learning (failing forward), seeing the familiar in new ways, asking provocative questions and uncovering insights as well as many modes of thinking and organizational behaviors.
Currently, as a co-founder of Gather Education, I am once again working with a great team focused on making on-line learning experiences more engaging, more collaborative, and more accessible to teachers and learners everywhere.
This week, the Opportunity Finance Network and Goldman Sachs announced the next phase of their partnership in the 10, 000 Small Businesses Initiative, a three-year program called the CDFI Growth Collaborative that will provide participating CDFIs with a learning program to help CDFI loan funds address the needs of small businesses in underserved communities across the country.
Collaborative technologies are one example of how we can affect teaching and learning.
One main learning method that supports the learning of such skills and knowledge is group learning or thematic projects, which involves an inquiry-based collaborative work that addresses real-world issues and questions.
In a recent article published by the Canadian Industrial Equipment News, they cited a study completed by ESI International, a project management learning company suggesting that although the majority of organizations value a highly collaborative work environment, less than one out of three organizations actually have a framework in place to facilitate it.