Thanks in large part to a collapse in prices for lumber, the stock is down 79% since the market's peak.
He observed that, uncontrolled, the industry dug out too many diamonds, flooded the market and prompted a collapse in prices.
But there's a global olive oil crisis: the regional government had to inject 62m euros into olive oil cooperatives to get them through the collapse in prices.
The collapse in prices will hurt investors with large gold holdings such as John Paulson, the hedge fund manager who made billions betting against the US housing market during the financial crisis.
The industry, which gets between 5% and 10% of its revenues from recycling, has also been hit by a world-wide collapse in prices for its recycled products, especially cardboard, which economists blame on the slowdown in China.
The collapse in home prices is now sending people in the other direction.
With the collapse in commodity prices, inflation mirrors the cellophane man, near invisible.
They argue that, barring an immediate collapse in oil prices, Venezuela will be close to fiscal balance this year.
The inflationary impact of sterling's slide will be countered by the collapse in commodity prices and the contraction in economic activity.
ECONOMIST: The pound��s plunge is hurting, but pain is part of the remedy
The collapse in market prices might prove good for one group: fraudsters.
Banks are riddled with bad loans from a collapse in asset prices.
The collapse in cotton prices has hit their farmers particularly hard.
Money may be a lever: the collapse in oil prices, plus rapidly dwindling Syrian production of the stuff, confronts Mr Assad with a fast-approaching budget crisis.
Declines in high incomes during the recession were driven by a collapse in stock prices, which have since roared back to their levels of before the crisis.
ECONOMIST: No more than a temporary blip from the Great Recession
The collapse in housing prices has created a faux situation.
Meanwhile, the collapse in commodity prices was another example of what happens when markets become overbought, and investor sentiment reaches extremes of bullishness, as was the case with commodities.
Some of the fall is easily explained: the recession has inevitably cut tax receipts, and the collapse in share prices has reduced capital gains on which people pay tax.
Yet some of the whiff of inflation has dispersed on account of a collapse in commodity prices leaving the path clear for steady monetary policy for as far as the eye can see.
This company was among the hardest hit by the collapse in chip prices last year and four months ago entered into talks with America's Micron Technology for the sale of much of its chip-making business.
Upland farming has been hit by a triple whammy in recent years of the beef crisis, a collapse in lamb prices and the phasing out of European subsidies with the reform of the common agricultural policy.
So strong has been the housing boom, in fact, that by the end of 2001 the overall debt burden of consumers (relative to the value of their assets) had fallen slightly to its lowest level since 1989, in spite of the collapse in equity prices.
The main sign of this now is the development of the shale-gas market in America, which has caused a collapse in natural-gas prices in that country.
The result will be massive JGB selling, a collapsing yen, and systematic financial crisis resulting from a collapse in yen asset prices.
Unless this week's news prompts a split in the cartel and so a collapse in crude-oil prices (see article), retail-petrol prices in America may not drop dramatically before the end of the summer driving season.
In reality, the slump in the rouble, which has fallen 56% against the dollar since August 15th, and the resulting collapse in government-bond prices have made these and almost all other commercial banks in Russia insolvent.
Prior to the housing collapse, fluctuation in house prices was the familiar story of supply and demand.
FORBES: How Is Federal Housing Policy Populist When Prices Are Rising?
To Mill, were he alive today he would not view the collapse in flat screen television prices as deflation.
FORBES: Brendan Brown, and The Global Curse Of the Federal Reserve
Japan's recent experience offers a painful example of how a collapse in share or property prices can harm a banking system.
And, third, if asset prices overreach and then collapse, as happened with property prices in many countries in the early 1990s, there can be serious economic and financial consequences.
ECONOMIST: Should central banks try to target asset-price inflation?