Excavating graves with diggers is not the best way to preserve bodies or collate evidence.
The trader would collect information from here and there, collate and analyze it, and then make a trade.
During a three-day visit, officers from the Independent Reconfiguration Panel (IRP) will collate evidence and speak to staff and patients.
Most banks collate these figures, but are reluctant to publicise their results.
We understand from Epitiro that they will not publish any personal information or collate any personal information from your use of the App.
The project believes it has established a cultural solution as well as an opportunity for Aboriginals to collate much of what was once lost.
The National Farmers' Union said it was too early to collate figures for how many lambs had been killed by the icy weather so far.
In light of the research, the charity has called on the Department of Justice and the PSNI to collate victim information and publish this information centrally.
BBC: NSPCC say one in five child sex assaults by family member
By working with leading scientific institutions, we will collate data and catalogue life forms and unlock the wonders of the oceans still unknown to humankind or science.
They track your online behavior and collate it into a unified profile, which follows you around the web, advising marketers about what you might be likely to purchase.
Pupils at Ysgol Terrig and Ysgol Parc y Llan primary schools and Ysgol Maes Garmon high school have interviewed older members of the community to collate their memories.
It has also been used to offer help and collate data on the dead, the injured and the missing - at a time when phone lines were often jammed.
Mrs Merkel backed the idea of forming a scientific panel to collate and assess research on biodiversity loss, as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assesses evidence on climatic indicators.
The figures we collate are a mixture of hard data, such as salary and faculty qualifications, and the subjective marks given by the school's students, such as a rating of their school's facilities.
The model that Nick and I sketched out said that service platforms (often allied to physical product) and external ecosystems, were vastly different from enterprises that tried to collate all their resources internally.
Professor Jones, who has stepped down from the unit pending an investigation, told MPs that the data was freely available, however he was criticised by MPs for not publishing full details of the methodology used to collate the data.