He described the accidental collection of data as a "deeply disturbing invasion of personal privacy".
Persistent collection of data about ourselves and our activities may well complicate our lives, but it may also bring more clarity.
This collection of data holds great importance and potential because many institutions currently do not recognize differences within the AAPI community.
That changes how we use data because it lets analysts speculate beyond the initial question that triggered the collection of data.
"The SV3 enables unparalleled, pervasive collection of data and processing of data, " said Roger Hine, CTO and inventor of the Wave Glider.
ENGADGET: Wave Glider sea robot gets a new version, replete with more power and gear
The collection of data does not include details of casualty numbers but many deaths and injuries have been documented, the group said.
It is usually a collection of data presented in visual form.
An aspect of the project that wasn't generally known at the time was Google's collection of data about individual wireless networks, including those in people's homes.
Meanwhile, privacy advocates argue that the bill's exemption for "operational" collection of data--allowing those practices to take place under an "opt-out" rule--gives advertisers far too much leeway.
But Cisco threw a grenade into that punchbowl last March, when it announced its Unified Computing System, a collection of data center products that included its own server.
The insight behind these charts is that the value of an individual piece of data goes down with time and the value of a collection of data goes up with time.
Now, with Stratos successfully complete, future space programs from NASA, the Air Force or any other agency has much fresher technology and a more recent collection of data to rely on.
It did, however, introduce other measures intended to improve the fishery's management by reducing illegal fishing, improving the collection of data and introducing a new framework for the presentation of scientific advice.
The times I feel most disheartened are the moments when facts are transformed into a flexible collection of data to be customized for arguments and are designed solely to make a point.
In 2003 Congress unanimously passed the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA), which required the collection of data on sexual abuse in prison, and the creation of a commission to recommend national ways to prevent it.
However, given the uncertainty regarding the accuracy of the data, and the inability to validate the collection of data, readers should be cautioned in the application of the findings of these manuscripts to clinical practice.
FORBES: JACC Issues Notice of Concern Over Three Poldermans Papers
Supervise and undertake research and methodological studies with regards to standards on the concepts, definitions and classifications of SCC statistics to improve international comparability, and the creation, extension and further development of world-wide standards for the collection of data.
Accordingly, I wish that when regulators publish these annual reports or disseminate their surveys, that beyond the mere collection of data would be far more in the way of meaty, meaningful, helpful suggestions about what to do and how to do it.
FORBES: Top Broker Dealer Compliance Issues Disclosed By State Securities Regulators
"We agree that there is a lot more research that needs to be done, that funding to allow robust research and robust collection of data is what's really going to move the science forward for understanding how we can reduce deaths, " he said.
And I issued a number of executive actions that should be taken unilaterally in order to improve our collection of data to make sure that we're coordinating more effectively with state and local governments, and to do everything that we could to improve the issue of gun safety and to make our communities safer.
The growing acceptance of open-source software, especially when it is supported by a dedicated vendor, is another way by which the big data wave is different from previous surges of investment in the collection and analysis of data.
That feature--seemingly designed to play up the privacy threat of Google's huge collection of user data--backfired.
The unconstrained collection of digital data is stirring feelings of distrust among some users.
The Obama administration just concluded a two-year study of how to regulate the commercial collection of consumer data online.
The collection of personal data is becoming pervasive due to increasingly sophisticated technology which is becoming universally available at a low cost.
FORBES: Quote of the Day: Here Today, Gone More Valuable Tomorrow
Clark amasses an extraordinary collection of historical data to explain why the Industrial Revolution was born in western Europe, not Africa or India.
You may recall that two French tax types proposed a few days ago that there should be a new tax on the collection of digital data.
FORBES: Colin et Collin Present The French Case For Abolishing Corporation Tax
France, seeking fresh ways to raise funds and frustrated that American technology companies that dominate its digital economy are largely beyond the reach of French fiscal authorities, has proposed a new levy: an Internet tax on the collection of personal data.
FORBES: France, Google And The Internet Tax: It's Just Not Going To Fly
Both crews embarked Argo profiling floats on their journey to New York to evaluate the feasibility of deploying such instruments during races, and fill up gaps identified in the global array off the trade routes, contributing significantly to the collection of scientific data.
Investors were more than happy to ignore a collection of dour economic data.