He was a staunch advocate for NFLPA executive director DeMaurice Smith in his surprise election to the post and is as active as any player in the collectivebargainingprocess.
He has not asked the Governor of California to attack the collectivebargainingprocess via legislation that takes away these critical worker rights as some governors out there have been quick to do.
How aggressive the NBA gets with revenue sharing is really dependent on what they do in terms of a cap, which is why the discussion should be part of the collectivebargainingprocess.
Instead of being bound by the shackles of discontent and animosity that normally accompany the collectivebargainingprocess, the sport can finally turn its attention to matters of importance regarding the on field product.
They have labeled the decertification an end-run around the collective-bargaining process and filed a complaint with the National Labor Relations Board attempting to block it.
Mr. Clement said the collective-bargaining process, which includes the players' union and all NFL teams combining to make the rules, is ultimately responsible for the players' safety.
The two-hour long hearing had the vibe, at least through the accounts of those in attendance, of Congress attempting to shame the NFLPA for being reluctant to implement testing pursuant to the most recently signed collectivebargaining agreement and encouraging the union to speed up the process.