Does it matter that our collective memory locks the two men together in a mythic embrace?
But neither of these contests are likely to burn in boxing's collective memory.
Yet, apart from the fire-bombing of Dresden and Hamburg, it is barely registered in the official German collective memory.
History develops like a river as it cuts a channel, a collective memory.
But also lurking back there is the collective memory that he actively participated in a functioning government for a while.
It has become a marker of local history and a medium for transferring collective memory from one generation to another.
But since Apollo ended, such travels were only in our collective memory.
For many years, the story of the first failed commune of Plymouth Bay was part of the collective memory of American students.
FORBES: How A Failed Commune Gave Us What Is Now Thanksgiving
Yet Gray's "Elegy" also rose above the ghetto of a genre, expressing universal ideas in lines that worked their way into collective memory.
Short term credit markets, paranoid and nervous given recent collective memory of the implosion that was 2008, have already begun to anticipate a possible default.
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Conditions were hardly conducive to recovery and yet the strong, sustained recovery that followed is permanently identified in our collective memory as the good old days.
The Jeep is steeped in rough and tumble imagery that dates back 70 years to the collective memory of stalwart and brazen World War II brigades.
The iconic images are burned into the French collective memory.
Clinton's efforts to stress her credentials as a fighter -- and her years of experience taking on the "Republican attack machine" -- may have resurrected baggage stowed in the nation's collective memory.
Regional and national recognition of oral traditions on a continent where they play a vital role is a perfect example of how culture can defend the collective memory and contribute to dialogue and development.
Once widely mocked for its sterility and ugliness, it has now become, in the collective memory of America, a hallowed gravesite for the thousands of people who died there--and a potent emblem of commerce, bowed but unbeaten.
But the sheer magnitude of the human tragedy of the second world war puts it in a class of its own, and its relative closeness to the present day makes claims on the collective memory that more remote horrors cannot.
They are our collective memory.
WSJ: Copyright Protection That Serves to Destroy | Sightings by Terry Teachout
He called it the phonograph, and it took a long time for librarians to figure out that the echoes of speech and music that Edison and his successors etched on discs were as important a part of our collective memory as the words that Johannes Gutenberg and his successors printed on paper.
WSJ: Copyright Protection That Serves to Destroy | Sightings by Terry Teachout
The donation of the UMG archive to the Library of Congress is a major gift to the nation that will help maintain the inter-generational connection that is essential to keeping alive, in our collective national memory, the music and sound recordings meaningful to past generations.