Kenneth Couch, an economics professor in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at UConn, studies the economic effects of unexpected lifecycle events, and he recently investigated the economic costs of divorce on women.
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For example, the New College of the Humanities will offer a liberal arts education of the kind which will be familiar to American readers and is so lacking in Europe, where most generally students must pick a topic of study (often vocational) upon their leaving the secondary school system.
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Sixty per cent of American college students are not liberal-arts majors, though.
So he joined the board of Simon's Rock College, a liberal arts school in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.
Instruction would be for courses in the College of Business, Education, Health Professions, Liberal Arts or Sciences.
First some background on the slightly less-than-illustrious history of this small, liberal arts college in Schenectady, N.
So he lit out for the Berkshires and joined the board of Simon's Rock College, a liberal arts school in Great Barrington, Mass.
This post was written by Stephanie Browner, Dean of Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts, the newest and fastest-growing urban liberal arts college in New York.
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"It's been in the news, and I think about it, but it doesn't personally affect me, " said Corrina Waxman, 21, a film student at Purchase College, a small liberal arts school just north of New York City.
Centenary College of Louisiana is a four-year, coeducational, private liberal arts college located in Shreveport, Louisiana.
Just this week, Yale University said it would open a liberal arts college in Singapore, at the expense of the island-state.
At the time that I had begun taking out privately dispersed student loans I was in my second year of schooling in which I had transferred from a liberal arts college to an accredited state community college to allow me to peruse a career in Engineering as well as participate in collegiate athletics.
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"Certainly we come in contact with bacteria all the time, " Renee Godard, lead author of the study and professor of biology and environmental studies at Hollins University, a private liberal arts college in Roanoke, Virginia.
Comprising the bulk of the top 10 list are small liberal arts schools like Sarah Lawrence College in New York, Kenyon College in Ohio and Bennington College in Vermont--all high on prestige and low on student-teacher ratios.
The new partners cover a broad range of institutions, from Ivy League universities Columbia and Brown, which has lagged in offering free online courses, to Wesleyan, a small liberal arts college, to a top-ranked music school, Berklee College of Music, to state schools like University of Maryland at College Park, to foreign institutions like Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Melbourne.
It raised the status of the professions, by making them harder to enter, and it saved the liberal-arts college from withering away.
The private liberal arts college has already awarded nearly 300 retroactive degrees, including one given posthumously to the mother of a deceased former student.