Ahmadinejad called Moussavi "corrupt" and accused his wife, a college professor, of skipping university entrance exams.
Earlier, talking to supporters, he had sounded more like a college professor than a politician.
Joyeuse became an expert in emergency treatment of trauma patients, as well as a surgeon and college professor.
As a lifelong student myself and now as a community college professor, I know this from my own experience.
Hillsman's reputation for winning on the cheap started after 1990, when he joined Wellstone, then a college professor with zero name identification.
CNN: latimes.com: A Nader action figure? Ad maverick signs on to team
Daniel Gilbert is the Harvard College professor of psychology at Harvard University.
The joke afterwards was a college professor who said he could not see how Nixon won since everybody he knew voted for McGovern.
FORBES: George McGovern Passes On - Where Were You In 1972 ?
As a young college professor I reassured parents that even the frequently sneered at majors, such as art history, helped produced job market success.
FORBES: The Six Classes That Will Make Any College Grad Employable
Corbett soon landed a job with Gerald Perritt, a former college professor (and, briefly, a FORBES columnist) who started the money management firm in 1983.
After her college professor husband of 46 years died, Betty J.
Then, after a stint as a college professor and a period of unemployment, Alvin decided to take control of his finances and began buying shares.
In California, a college professor (Robert Redford) tries to spur a feckless student (Andrew Garfield) to involve himself more boldly in the world, whatever form that may take.
"The best advice they could follow is to build the team into being an effective, money-making machine again, " said Andrew Zimbalist, a noted sports economist and Smith College professor.
Report author and Boston College professor, Michael Martin, said that the success of the top-performing countries reflects the long-term investment - and shows the way for other developing countries to follow.
Frank Sansone, a retired college professor in Pensacola, Fla.
To believe otherwise is to believe that someone (the college professor) who for the most part lacks any background in the real-world application of finance could transfer skills to those who desire that real-world knowledge.
FORBES: Sorry Left AND Right, No Job Requires A College Degree
Mrs Ingram said she had met the college professor through her brother Adrian, because both men were interested in trying to win the show's prize and were discussing strategies to try and win the show.
Unlike many other development and coaching books for young professionals, Life After College does not get preachy nor is it written like a lecture from that one college professor who talked FOREVER in a Ben Stein-monotone.
Many of you know that I'm a community college professor, and I've had the great privilege over the years of teaching countless nursing students -- and I have to tell you, they're always my A students.
"If you think about almost any dimension of human activity, it will ultimately be touched by this ability to harness computational power, " says Dan Sichel, a Wellesley College professor who argues the official productivity numbers understate technology's impact.
On that afternoon in August 2003, in a conference room on the third floor, college professor Gil Loescher and his friend and colleague, human rights expert Arthur Helton, sat in a meeting with UN Special Representative Sergio Vieira de Mello and others.
As a parent, a businessman and a former college professor, I believe education is the best asset we can offer our children, but unless we improve the substandard quality of education in this country, we're not doing all we can to assure a strong future.
As a college professor, I face rooms of identically clad students who all watch the same sitcoms, have all seen that month's two or three mass-produced Hollywood films and all listen to the same six indistinguishable musical groups on the two local commercial radio stations.
As a mother of three, a wife, a science teacher, an administrator, a college professor, a tennis coach, a sponsor of Future Educators of America and Science National Honor Society and Girl Scout leader, Florida delegate Dr. Marilyn Zaragoza is an achiever, successfully balancing many different hats.
The review of college governance by Professor Griggs recommended the creation of 12 college regional clusters and the education secretary said he would accept the professor's new structure almost in its entirety.
Ignore what you were told by your college economics professor and consider the following puzzle.
Similarly, Howard Dean might have mopped up the college-professor-and-student vote: this has gone to Mr Kerry too.
"I think it's a tragically difficult situation, " adds Perry Glasser, a college English professor who lives in Haverhill, Mass.
WSJ: The Intelligent Investor: When Will Retail Investors Call It Quits?
The lack of predictability is maddening to Michael Flaherty, an Eckerd College sociology professor who studies the passage of time.
General Motors got quirky in 1990, buying Saab, best known as the college-professor car brand, and creating Saturn--"a different kind of car company"--from scratch.