But colonialism and the history of slavery are two very different histories, very different narratives.
Mr Mugabe has railed against the country's judiciary as a racist vestige of British colonialism.
Erasmus opposed Spanish colonialism and wrote the first European book making a case for peace.
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The British, fearing accusations of neo-colonialism, say it is a matter for Mr Kabbah.
And English has become, thanks to the combination of British colonialism and American commercialism, a global tongue.
The tide of anti-colonialism after the second world war was forcing Europe's imperial powers to grant independence almost everywhere.
At that time, Western Civilization, through colonialism, was, at least in Mawdudi's opinion, inflicting itself on the Islamic world.
Countries such as Haiti which, through colonialism, inherited laws from the French legal system are especially prone to red tape.
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President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner called the ruling "judicial colonialism" and said her government would not pay a single dollar.
They were accomplices in colonialism, and helped engender the complacency that has brought destruction to big game populations across Africa.
Italy has just apologised to Libya and paid reparations for colonialism (in exchange for energy deals and co-operation on migration).
This is partly a consequence of the dismal legacy of Portuguese colonialism, which left few East Timorese administrators and business people.
Mr Derrida's style of deconstruction flowered especially in American departments of comparative literature, where it became interwoven with Marxism, feminism and anti-colonialism.
Lula's Brazil represents another version of Third World obsessed and outdated anti-colonialism.
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Long-time Africa campaigner Sir Bob Geldof says people should not worry about Chinese investment in Africa and rebuffs the idea of economic colonialism.
He wrote to President Truman on eight occasions, praising American anti-colonialism and looking forward to happy relations between Vietnam and the United States.
El Museo has an exceptionally polished installation that emphasizes a sense of place and issues of colonialism, including problematic questions of exoticism and otherness.
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In all cases, the political development of Muslim countries has been as much shaped by poverty and the legacy of colonialism as it has Islam.
When it really developed was in the second half of the 19th century, when European colonialism was venturing into Africa and other parts of the world.
As Africa emerged from colonialism in the 1960s, some leaders such as Ghana's Dr Kwame Nkrumah argued that Africa could only survive as a single entity.
Others in former colonies continue to embrace France, saying the current security situations that have spurred reluctant French interventions on the continent don't amount to neo-colonialism.
The game is set against the backdrop of Western colonialism and mercantilism coming to Japan, adding yet another layer of history and politics to the fairy tale.
If your interest in history extends beyond colonialism, head to Fouha Bay where a very important rock on the northern tip shoots 150 feet up in the air.
Indonesia likes to argue that this must be so since its 23-year rule has done so much more for the economy than did 400 years of Portuguese colonialism.
My 90-year-old grandmother has experienced in her lifetime what one would imagine happening over centuries: colonialism, a war, industrialization, the rise and fall of a military dictatorship, and maturing democracy.
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Today, Southeast Asia is largely free from divisions born of colonialism and the Cold War, and ASEAN is respected, not manipulated, by big powers (most of the time, at least).
The issue of race, the issue of colonialism that you mentioned earlier to Constance, remember that large parts of the Arab world were under either French colonialism or British colonialism.
More than 200 years of Spanish colonialism, a Western-Pacific heritage and the current American control are stirred together for a number of unique local dishes, like the Chorizo Breakfast Bowl.
British colonialism firmly established English in the territories that now make up the United States, but the distinctions between American and British English are as important as the shared heritage.