• If you're successful, you get to become an intergalactic colonizer, using your UFO to terraform other planets, solar systems and galaxies.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • France, Mali's former colonizer, has said it expects to begin pulling out its troops in March and leave African forces in control.

    CNN: Suicide bomber kills soldier at checkpoint in Mali

  • But you also ultimately decided that freedom cannot mean replacing the strong hand of a colonizer with a strongman of your own.

    WHITEHOUSE: Indonesia��s Example to the World

  • Here again it is safer in the white West to see the Palestinians as they advertise themselves as an "occupied" people denied sovereignty and simple human dignity by a white Western colonizer.

    WSJ: Israel and the Surrender of the West

  • The Security Council's recent failure to impose sanctions on Mugabe's regime drew scoffs from the 84-year-old Mugabe, who has accused Britain -- Zimbabwe's former colonizer -- of trying to take over the country to get its resources.

    CNN: Diplomat: U.S. no longer supports Zimbabwe power-share deal

  • No 17th-century subjugation by a nasty Dutch colonizer of Javanese (let alone one by a brutish Chinese emperor of "barbarians" ) can be compared with the conquest - with its associated rapes, bayonetings and beheadings - by the Japanese.

    CNN: The Drugs Tide

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