In lighting, for instance, we've seen the development of light bulbs that can not only be turned on and off (and dimmed) via WiFi, but also change color -- from companies as diverse as lighting giant Philips and Kickstarter campaigner LIFX.
The doll's one interactive feature--a string on the back of its head that allows users to change its eye color with a yank--does little to humanize it.
On a larger scale, the cubes could be used to replace walls and floors in a building -- want to change the color of your wallpaper?
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Long-time guests objected to the color change so strenuously that management rescinded the decision, says GM Dwight Sanford.
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With red and white light, the shadow of the object appears in the complementary color -- cyan -- and the shadows change as your angle of vision changes.
For many products -- TVs and the iPod, for example -- the leap to color displays represented an evolutionary change.
Sneakermakers Nike and Reebok are among the advertisers that pay EA to put their logos on the players (in one game, NBA LIVE, gamers can change the color and style of players' logo-emblazoned footwear).
Or how about a Sidekick LX, which boasts a kicky high-def screen and "mood lights" that change color to signal just who's calling.
If a word sounds a bit off-color, Ms. Natthita is asked to suggest a slight change while keeping the word as close to its original as possible.
But in the middle of all this was a change in the sky color itself that gradually clarified as an upward-streaming brown cloud risen from the earth, as if the world was turned upside down.
One application Sotzing has been working on is meat packaging with a built-in tongue that can taste the first signs of spoilage and activate a color change as a warning.
First it's the roar of F-16 jets from a nearby NATO base, then a hailstorm, then torrential rains that change the color of the desert so that previous shots won't match new ones.