For something more sedate, the Comb Artspace puts on quality, contemporary exhibitions that belie its compact space.
When they are put forward again, expect them to be gone through with a fine-tooth comb.
"I wash my hair, I comb it, I set it and I spray it, " he says.
The students will work from the public record, comb the Internet and conduct interviews.
He still likes to win, but he has dropped the comb-over and the scowl.
Instead of sharing the first link you read, comb back to find the original work.
That makes him much more appealing than a dishwasher of similar age, build and comb-over.
She never used a comb or brush and suggested we not use them either.
Mandy had a shower and steam, ran her favorite purple comb through her hair.
Some poor soul needs to comb through these alerts and figure out the signal from the noise.
Based on the briefing documents, it appears that FDA went over this trial with a fine-toothed comb.
Created Google: Internet gateway uses more than 10, 000 networked computers to comb through 3 billion Web pages.
Nor do they want to comb through three government lists of people and organizations identified as terrorists.
Government advice is to try special lotions or regularly comb the hair using a wet fine-toothed nit comb.
While the presidential candidates comb Iowa and New Hampshire for votes, they are also combing the country for dollars.
Shapiro explains that staffers can comb through the army of candidates by variables such as qualifications, experience and expertise.
"We'd never seen anything quite like it, " says partner Warren Packard, who helps comb through 5, 000 plans a year.
However, there is something about this whole case which is reminiscent of watching two bald men fighting over a comb.
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It seems that Berkshire investors Tom Comb, Ted Weschler, and Buffett himself are finding fewer opportunities in stock market.
FORBES: Berkshire Hathaway Was Net Seller of Stocks in the Second Quarter
Furminator or fine-toothed comb: If your pet sheds heavily, consider regular grooming with a fine-toothed comb, particularly before bath time.
Wax moth larvae burrow through the comb in hives gradually destroying the cells where broods are raised and honey stored.
When corporate HR Directors and search firm recruiters comb LinkedIn or blogs or press releases, what are they looking for exactly?
We comb through dozens of magazines from the past 12 months to count how many times each star appeared on covers.
Comb through user groups and forums to find your first trusted testers.
FORBES: 5 Easy Ways To Gain Customer Feedback On Your Product
The post also showed why humans are needed to comb through posts.
For the Fossett hunt, volunteers comb through the images and flag any that include what might be a plane or its wreckage.
It contains some fraying papers, a comb, a tooth brush, a tube of tooth paste, a towel and some fading family pictures.
Gen Troshev said it would take his forces two to three weeks to comb the mountains for remaining small pockets of rebels.
Under Edward Breen, Mr Kozlowski's successor, Tyco brought in outside lawyers and accountants to comb through four years' worth of company records.
Investigators continue to comb through the books of Wall Street money manager Bernard Madoff to figure out the extent of his alleged fraud.