The Education and Skills Authority (ESA) was due to come into existence on 1 January.
Many new rules and laws have come into existence to assuage fears about paedophiles, terrorists or hooligans.
"Thus the first generation of stars and galaxies could have come into existence".
However, there are two ways that the ECB could allow such a lender of last resort to come into existence.
What genetic change allowed multicellular animals to come into existence remains obscure.
If matter and antimatter were truly symmetrical, then they would have come into existence in equal amounts during the Big Bang and thus annihilated each other.
Dr Penrose's version of events is that the universe did not come into existence at the Big Bang but instead passes through a continuous cycle of aeons.
"She got some money from the writer because the writer took the view that without her co-operation, this book would not have come into existence at all, " he said.
The new tribunal will come into existence in The Hague, Netherlands, once 60 countries have ratified the treaty -- a process diplomats said could take up to five years.
The number of bitcoin files in existence is limited, and while new bitcoins come into existence every day, the rate of expansion in the bitcoin supply is known to all users.
Non-astronomers may not care much about the fine distinctions between stars and gas-giants, but understanding their origins will help explain how small, rocky planets come into existence and how commonplace such earth-like planets are likely to be.
It is disingenuous to argue against the extension of school choice through charter schools and vouchers on the grounds that such schools will not instantly come into existence or that not all areas will be equally served.
We tend to lose track of companies that no longer exist and we rarely have any inkling of all those planned businesses that might have come into existence had business conditions, such as tax burdens, been better.
Whole new industries will come into existence.
FORBES: Despite A Slow Recovery, The Future Will Eventually Be Bright