With the best will in the world, it will be hard for any of the Windsors to come near to matching her.
The issue here is that votes in the IWC used to be ritualised, meaningless, ridiculous, an exercise in grandstanding - because neither bloc was ever going to come near to gaining the three-quarters majority needed to make major changes.
So far this year it has sold fewer than 9, 000 total and has come nowhere near to being a profitable endeavor.
Massa seems a whole-hearted racer, but I wonder if he and his loyal supporters will ever come this near to the title again.
We get Amit's point, our devices have come nowhere near to maxing out the intelligence or utility that we can extract from them, but this just seems like another step toward over-reliance on technology.
ENGADGET: Google's Amit Singhal tells us about the dreams search engines are made of
That is, when governmental intrusion and regulation are minimal, markets can come to near equilibrium.
"If we're lucky, we'll be able to come home near midnight the next day after they reopen the bridges to Virginia, " she said.
Next came ditch digging, which would allow water to come near areas where gold was found.
Hiring by most airlines in India have come to a near halt while salaries have remained almost stagnant as carriers have been hit by high operational expenses.
We are working to improve the quality of life in Moscow so it is a place where financial services firms want to come to be near their clients.
Some people may wonder why we in the Northern Hemisphere have our spring and summer when our planet is far away from the sun. (Equally confusing: our fall and winter come when we are near to the sun.) Shouldn't proximity to that nice warm ball of sunshine predict our seasons?
As for the stories, which are told in straight chronological order, they're amusing when taken one by one, but they don't come remotely near adding up to a plot, nor do they make you care about Ms. Mengers, who comes across as a thoroughly nasty piece of goods, the kind of "friend" who starts gossiping about you as soon as you leave the room.
WSJ: Candide Goes to Vegas | Pippin | I'll Eat You Last | Theater Review by Terry Teachout
In the dry season months of June to October the undergrowth is less dense and the chimps frequently come down near the main lodge area to feed.
However, you can see it on the faces of elderly men who, too old to work, still come to Poovar each morning, just to be near the water.
There is no hope for any hydrotreated fuel to come anywhere near conventional diesel or jet fuel prices.
FORBES: The U.S. Navy: Defending Our Freedom And ... Building Our Refineries
If HB 392 passes in Delaware, look for a similar bill to come to a state near you.
FORBES: Coming Soon From Obamacare: A Single-Payer Nightmare For Delaware
But are the conservatives anywhere near ready to come to terms with the demands of the new generation?
According to his calculations, about 20 years of lead time would be sufficient for solar radiation to move the asteroid away from its current course causing it to come nowhere near the Earth.
FORBES: An Earth-Killing Asteroid Could Be Deflected With Paintballs
The biggest battleground in the fight for Wisconsin is likely to come in the suburbs located to the south of Milwaukee near the Illinois state line.
Any changes would be likely to come into force near the end of his contract, or after.
If someone asked me to free associate about the Best Buy store near my New Jersey home, what would come to mind are terms like mish-mash, so-so pricing, great Geek Squad and pushy salesmen.
With no guarantee, and no real way to measure how much of the tax base will come back in the near term, the bonds would not be likely to get insurance, a required element for many institutional buyers.
Not only would it have caused another diplomatic row, it's unlikely a collector would have come forward to purchase them at anything near their real value.
Before the youth offending team, they would go to court, receive their order, come out and say to their solicitor "What did I get" and nobody would come near them.
"I'm certain both will want to come back in the very near future, " he added.
Some of those bad or near-bad bank loans would come back to life, thereby enabling banks to clean up their portfolios without destroying the economy.
You see, even if private banks cease their money printing activities, activities that are currently running at a robust year-over-year rate of 15.2% (see the first table), there is still a near certain swath of inflation to come.
But now he's come here to a narrow, smelly industrial street near the LA River.
If the piece of debris does come near the station, it will fire its thrusters to avoid it and will have several opportunities to do so.
FORBES: Progress 46 Successfully Docks With International Space Station
When the final numbers come out for the Giants four-game sweep of the Tigers on Fox, expect them to come in at a record or near-record low.
FORBES: As World Series Fades, Fox Looks To Early Rounds to Recoup Its Money