"I hope that they will come here later on in the week, " he added.
In any event, the bulk of the Watkins fortune, whatever it amounts to, seems to be based more on what's to come than in the here and now.
The PlayBook, like many tablets on display here, is supposed to come out in the next few months, said RIM President and Co-CEO Mike Lazaridis in December.
And come back here in one week to read my take on the first chapter of the book.
"The emphasis here is on 'unsolicited, ' things that come in that you didn't -- you have never made contact with this particular charitable organization, " Swecker said.
Influence is contextual: you might read this blog for insight on social media, but probably will not come here for a great restaurant recommendation in Portland.
But he did point out that political parties here from left to right had already come together in recent months on topics like education and labor reform.
Many of the poses and compositions were probably borrowed from Chinese ink paintings, and here they come together in a dynamic composition of black birds clustering on land and flying in midair.
America needs to reduce its reliance on foreign petroleum, but growing oil production here at home will come hand-in-hand with an even larger glut of associated gas and even lower gas prices.
"In one sense the Games is an interruption to that normal footfall, in another sense it is a massive opportunity in exposing new people to the building who ordinarily would not come here on a regular basis, " said Steven Lowy, co-chief executive of the Westfield Group.
So when one comes in here--I mean, the big effort on this was having the comet come in to meet us.
Come on over here. (Applause.) Less than 24 hours after the devastating earthquake in Haiti she was on the scene helping to direct aid and save lives in the midst of chaos.
WHITEHOUSE: The President delivers Remarks at Independence Day Celebration | The White House
We spent a lot of time here just talking about the logistics of the response on the shore as oil begins to come in.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Gives Oil Spill Update from New Orleans
There is one thing though about the mobile homes in Hope that everyone agrees on, they're going to be here for some years to come.
President Obama, who had looked a little lame suggesting that his position on gay marriage was evolving (and here is how it evolved) has now come out personally, firmly, in favour.