"I got a knock on my door from someone asking if I wanted to come across to their room to have a drink, which I thought was a bit odd, " he said.
This is not about politicians being able to use information that they come across to hold the Government to account, even to embarrass the Government.
Colonel STEVE WILLIAMS (Deputy Commander, NATO): You've got these caves and these systems that these guys can in and cache weapons systems and then find other ways to come across the border, go to these cache sites and arm up.
So for the next 20 days, I know you all are going to be out there, right? (Applause.) You're going to be out there, and you're going to come across people who are going to say, well, what has this President done for this country?
"For a search engine to come across these links, the content of the emails would need to have been posted online, " he wrote.
"It is my goal to play for England again but I've been out for two years and I wouldn't ever to want to come across as that guy who would assume he's got what it takes to play, " he said.
The national stockpile has sufficient ventilators, but the necessary circuits that are needed to operate them are not produced in the United States but in Mexico, so having them come across to this country is critical for taking care of critically ill patients in the United States.
"He just seemed to come across as more of a people's mayor, " Allardyce said.
It doesn't suit tech fans' interests to come across as impatient or easily led.
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He was thrilled to come across a poem by someone who'd been incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay.
"We wanted to come across as authentic and genuine, " says Nationwide spokesman Michael Switzer.
They feared that large-scale resettlement would encourage even greater numbers to come across the border.
In these interviews, career-services representatives judge how students may come across to corporate recruiters.
Tales of near-misses, crashes and slack safety standards by Luxor balloon operators are easy to come across online.
"Having only to come across the water (River Tamar) from Torpoint is very handy for my wife, " he said.
BBC: Derriford Hospital's ?3m stem cell isolation unit praised
If you are going to go down the confessional path, you have to come across with the lurid details.
It was just how he'd come across to us as journalists - getting on with job, avoiding the limelight.
This can come across to others as not being a team player, a cardinal sin in any organization, he says.
FORBES: Should You Discuss The Presidential Debates At Work?
He is making the association that it's easy enough for 20 million illegals to come across our borders every year.
The other thing worth mentioning is that the characters and events in the story have to come across as real.
In Poland soldiers and policemen can retire after just 15 years, so it is possible to come across 33-year-old retirees.
The other is that people who try to help in developing healthy alternatives tend to come across like hectoring nannies.
"Believe it, there are people in America that do care, and we were blessed to come across these individuals, " Foster said.
"On the path people are going to come across them, " said Dewi Davies, senior warden for the northern sector of the national park.
"It is very uncommon for us to come across someone of this age in custody for committing this sort of offence, " he said.
BBC: Neighbour abuse: Ethel Watkins, 83, sentenced for taunts
They want their tennis heroes to play turbo-charged rallies with vintage elegance and to come across as insightful, rounded human beings as well.
Frankly, from my earliest days as a securities industry regulator, these were among the first and most common matters to come across my desk.
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And influential Democrats remember that they first started to come across Bill Clinton in 1979, more than a decade before he won the presidency.
Right now President Obama is trying to come across like he is advancing the interests of the middle class in a battle against the elites.
You simply want to come across as an intelligent industry expert.