Children come to school today with health-care needs that go far beyond bandaging a skinned knee.
Some would have dropped out of high school, but instead come to school so they can be on the handball team.
"If you come to school like you're going to go to bed, it says a lot about your lack of motivation, " says David Beriau, dean of students.
And some come to school without being toilet-trained, unable to get dressed or use a knife and fork, says Lesley Ward, new president of the ATL union.
"People come to school to learn, and if you do a good job at sharing ideas and working with peers, you get a network as a byproduct, " he says.
Who knows, it may be conceivable that in the not so distant future high school students would only come to school when they needed to be in a seminar or for collaboration meetings.
Chase Elementary School, is in a tough, almost entirely Spanish-speaking, Chicago neighborhood, yet 40 or so kids come to school an hour early each day just to take one of the company's Accelerated Reader computer quizzes.
However, on a teacher's salary, I can only afford to bring in low-quality snacks to feed my students that come to school hungry, but what I bring in is better than what they get in the cafeteria.
Add to this equation the children whose families don't have adequate health care and may come to school with problems such as untreated ear infections, along with a constant parade of youngsters suffering from scrapes, falls, and upset stomachs.
Wichita State has one player (Carl Hall) who salvaged his career after working in a light bulb factory and two more (Ron Baker and Malcolm Armstead) who paid their way to come to school and started on the team as walk-ons.
"I'll be scared to come back to school, " he said as he started to cry.
It was very scary to come back to school after the summer holidays.
Another member of staff appealed to girls to come back to school.
"For a young lad to come in to school and say 'I want to be good at this, I want to be the best I can' is unusual for a kid of that age, " said Mr Sallam.
Issac Sheppard's head teacher, Jim Otto, half-jokes that officials from the school district do not come to the school much, so concerned are they for their physical safety and that of their cars.
We assume the players have the same educational starting point of the players who were begged to come to the school.
FORBES: Student Athletes: Don't Count Your Stipend Blessings Just Yet
But this much was true: he didn't come back to school -- that day, the next day, or any day thereafter.
' but at the end of the day, this is what is important to the people who live in this area and the children that come to this school.
And if anybody doubts that future is possible, they should come to this school and talk to the young people who are getting trained and the folks who are doing the training.
WHITEHOUSE: Skills for America��s Future Manufacturing Event
He went to a school, asked to borrow a class room and convinced a couple of students to come back after school with their homework.
FORBES: How Improving Math Skills Can Save The Economy And Promote Citizenship
Some of these children do go without food at home, and most of them come without breakfast to school.
That the judgement about whether somebody should come into school to help is how well they will support teachers in teaching our children.
Is there a bargain to be had now, or should I wait for back-to-school Ultrabooks to come out?
So, with that, just as proof of the extraordinary promise of American young people, I'd like to invite Steven Harris and Brian Hortelano from Oakton High School to come up here and demonstrate what their team has built.
They have to come up with an idea to benefit their school or community and draw up a business plan.
Some clients come to Evisors for business school admissions advice and get students or recent grads as mentors.
FORBES: A New Way to Get a Job When You Have No Inside Connections
Carter had come home from school to find his mother distressed.
One fan shouted to the high school junior: "Come to Oregon!"