Washington and Moscow -- along with their regional allies -- will need to exert pressure on the Syrian opposition and regime respectively tocometothenegotiatingtable.
It seems clear that unless the rebels come back tothenegotiatingtable and both sides honour the ceasefire, the job of restraining the janjaweed will be much harder.
Dutch Eurosceptic MEP Barry Madlener accused Turkey of sabre-rattling, and said that if Turkey decided to boycott talks with the EU during the forthcoming Cypriot presidency of the Council of Ministers, then "they should never come back tothenegotiatingtable".
The minister spent months trying to persuade the CGT to accept Titan's proposal, and at the end of the year told Mr. Taylor that conditions had improved, and that he could come back tothenegotiatingtable, the spokeswoman added.
Although other investors surely wanted to do the same thing, they were turned off because lack of assurance that Microsoft would back them up and come back tothenegotiatingtable.
Just the specter of what might come out in this process, or the astronomical costs of discovery, regularly forces defendants tothenegotiatingtableto settle otherwise winnable cases.