Even the venerable Encyclopaedia Britannica has come to understand the importance of visual thematic relationships.
Another said he had come to understand Pakistan and Pakistanis better after the quake.
BBC: NEWS | South Asia | Cold is new danger for quake victims
Over the past decade, Egyptians have come to understand the financial potential of archaeological finds, he thinks.
But if they can memorize them now, as they grow up, they will come to understand the meaning.
They come to understand that they can set right many, if not all, of the things they put wrong.
FORBES: A.A. in the Age of the Internet - We Pause for a Primer on "the Program"
You come to understand that reality is malleable, to those with the tenacity to impose their will over it.
And by the end of those five days, we come to understand, their relationship will either mend or terminate.
WSJ: Word Craft: Benjamin Percy, Author of Red Moon, on the Ticking Clock
We could come to understand what makes us understand and abstract abstraction itself.
As you've no doubt come to understand, the Note II is fully loaded.
Investors will gradually come to understand the logic of the deal if negotiators from the two companies can address two challenges.
Both the client and I come to understand her target image and the practical opportunities and challenges we have to work with.
They had come to understand that, while they have a great reputation as a distribution company, their creative reputation had become tarnished.
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Hays says he got into the clothing business because he had come to understand how important a good appearance was to salespeople.
He had come to understand the defining human struggle not as left versus right, or faith versus reason, but as individual versus institution.
"What we've seen is accelerating and irrefutable momentum as Americans have come to understand who gay people are and why marriage matters, " Wolfson said.
Burlingame has come to understand that the business is a kind of a treadmill: Youve got to keep running just to stay in place.
Later they come to understand that, if printing money by itself were enough to boost the economy, counterfeiting would be legal and widely encouraged.
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As the days pass, you and your neighbors come to understand.
Love is a universal experience and in many place love is equated with marriage, so emotionally people come to understand love and marriage in that way.
The other is the story of a professor of social psychology who has come to understand that life's complexities can be broken down into simple truths.
It can be done entirely through a free market process where businesses and homeowners come to understand that it is in their interest to make these changes.
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As many PR pros have come to understand, this colorful, antithetical newspaper piece prompted interest from some salacious segment producers at a couple of network TV magazine shows.
Those of you who know me have come to understand I prefer to cut to the chase and get to the root of an issue as quickly as possible.
And certainly, I think, what Wall Street has to understand, nd I think the investing public will come to understand, is that the investing world is beginning to move East.
The public will come to understand that repeal is not a necessary corrective to an irrational matter of discrimination (like the long-repudiated practice of keeping African-Americans out of the armed forces).
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama vs. the all-volunteer military
Heintzman believes that as more Canadian companies come to understand the values they share with their communities, acting in accordance with those values will increasingly move from targeted initiatives to common practice.
Now, after first blaming speculators, then profligate states, then, more broadly Europe's lack of competitiveness, the cardinals of monetary union have belatedly come to understand that the main problem is the euro itself.
Nearly all of us have played a slot machine, but ultimately, we figure out the rules and patterns and come to understand that the game is designed to take our money, so we move on.
"Hurt feelings" or "feeling offended" is the way the west processes this phenomenon, but it's far from what we, in our world of conflict resolution, psychotherapy, and Montessori education have come to understand as such.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Behind Muslim "Hurt Feelings" Is Islamic Law