Aberdeen continued to come under pressure as long-range efforts from Ladislav Onofrej and Horava drew saves from Langfield.
Kelly's popularity has remained high even as his department's tactics have come under fire.
Global Geoparks come under the auspicies with UNESCO through the Global Geoparks Network (GGN).
These changes come under a programme called Transforming Your Care, which was spearheaded by Mr Compton.
After the cold war ended, though, this self-regulating and rather self-important culture has come under scrutiny.
ECONOMIST: Why can't researchers at Los Alamos keep a secret?
Asquith, had come under attack for allowing an anarchist meeting to commemorate the Chicago Haymarket martyrs.
Gale has come under fire for building lucrative residential units before commercial lease buildings.
Global and emerging market bonds which were considered reliable until recently have also come under fire.
But her thin record means that her early appointments will come under extra scrutiny.
The traditional 60% in stocks and 40% in bonds has come under fire recently.
FORBES: The Week Ahead: Can Diversification Ruin Your Return?
Recently Tenet Healthcare facilities around the country have come under investigation and faced lawsuits.
Hasina's government has come under criticism for its lax oversight over the powerful garment industry.
Those companies' records have come under new scrutiny since the recalls were announced earlier this month.
Asahi Shimbun predicted the prime minister would come under pressure to jettison other cabinet members.
As users proliferate, the servers that form the Internet's backbone will also come under more strain.
Not surprisingly, these corporate health-management tools have come under fire, with most critics worrying about privacy.
But Kingfisher shares fell after the company admitted profit margins would continue to come under pressure.
Second, for profit colleges have come under close scrutiny from regulators regarding academic standards.
Grubman has come under criticism for touting WorldCom while drumming up investment banking for the firm.
Van Commenee has come under fire in some quarters for his tough selection criteria.
In Japan, the government has come under harsh criticism for its clumsy handling of the episode.
But even these and other limited efforts will come under assault by this Democratic Congress.
Freight and cargo ships, cruise liners and private yachts have all come under attack.
CNN: U.S. military considers options to deal with Somali pirates
However, the company has come under scrutiny from regulators investigating the market for private shares.
More businesses may come under the oversight of Roger Ailes, chief executive of Fox News.
Underperforming schools, though remaining part of the school district, would come under state oversight as well.
"Anybody who bought property recently and buys after tomorrow will come under this, " he said.
Cayne had come under intense pressure to take responsibility for his role in steep mortgage-related losses.
After all, if a major water source were removed, other sources would come under greater pressure.
"The hospitals themselves have come under attack for the purpose of looting, " Huguenin-Benjamin said.