• That is, if dealing with Iran does not cause the consensus so far to come unstuck.

    ECONOMIST: Weapons of mass destruction

  • Worryingly, the whole process could come unstuck for lack of supplies in the camps.

    ECONOMIST: Angola's wondrous peace

  • After all, forecasts of sterling's demise have come unstuck time and again in the past year or so.

    ECONOMIST: The economy

  • Yet if America's continuing agreements with North Korea are anything to go by, even hard-fought ones can come unstuck.

    ECONOMIST: America and North Korea

  • But as the social web becomes more prolific it becomes clearer that automated sentiment analysis can easily come unstuck.

    FORBES: The World's Most Innovative Company? I Doubt It

  • Congressional leaders and the administration are still struggling to make sure the broad budget deal struck May 2 doesn't come unstuck.

    CNN: AllPolitics E-Wire

  • First, the state's demographics are changing fast enough that an overly ambitious partisan gerrymander is likely to come unstuck during its ten-year lifespan.

    ECONOMIST: Redistricting rows

  • Any arrangement in between, such as the old European exchange-rate mechanism or the East Asian currencies' pegs before 1997-98, will eventually come unstuck.

    ECONOMIST: Intervention: divine or comic?

  • Another key to the 1985 success was the way England adapted to different situations - the modern England are entertaining but can come unstuck.

    BBC: David Gower celebrates in 1985

  • The deal could come unstuck, to his advantage, on antitrust grounds.

    ECONOMIST: Satellite television

  • And even if all these questions are resolved in time for the signing, the deal could still come unstuck later, like a previous ceasefire the two sides signed in 2000.

    ECONOMIST: Indonesia

  • The draw lifted Somerset into second place in the table and they must now look to beat Lancashire at Taunton in their final match and hope Notts come unstuck against Hampshire.

    BBC: Somerset remain in title picture

  • "They will certainly need all that training, because this is an inhospitable place in winter - and don't forget plenty of armies in the past have come unstuck in Afghanistan, " he said.

    BBC: UK troops set for Afghan role

  • Unusually for a Chinese leader, he actually wants to retire, but he is worried that his economic reforms may come unstuck if the conservative Mr Li manages to stay in power without him.

    ECONOMIST: China

  • Many a businessman has come unstuck in politics.

    CNN: Prokhorov: Metals mogul hoping to shine in Kremlin race

  • Now this cozy arrangement may come unstuck.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • While a few firms have come unstuck over drugs faltering in clinical trials, a solid core of big, successful firms such as Celltech and Shire is reassuring investors that Britain's biotechnology sector is a better long-term bet than, say, Germany's less mature, and less profitable, industry.

    ECONOMIST: Biotechnology

  • Not the most pressing problem facing Carwyn Jones in January 2013 maybe but one he grappled with briefly this morning - before taking on the more sticky issues coming his way, the sort of 'sticky' that can cling to governments and cause ministers to, well, come unstuck.

    BBC: Today, tomorrow and Today.

  • First, it does not always work: the Kremlin has come badly unstuck several times when it has stepped into regional elections, only to find itself outmanoeuvred by local power-brokers.

    ECONOMIST: Russia has changed since Soviet days, but not nearly enough

  • Ahold of the Netherlands, for example, has come spectacularly unstuck after a three-year buying spree, and Carrefour is still licking its wounds after difficulties in integrating Promodes, which it bought in 1999.

    ECONOMIST: Retailing

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