• Or can it come up with new ideas that could eventually provide some rejuvenation?

    CNN: Borger: A divided GOP hurts McCain

  • You don't get the influence that is needed if you come up with new ideas.

    CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek

  • Other schools can take a less direct route, but still challenge their students to come up with new ideas.

    CNN: Learning to be creative

  • Divergence is an expansive process, with the idea being to stretch the mind in order to come up with new ideas.

    FORBES: Need Some New Ideas? Consult your SWAMI!

  • Pepsi has small product-development teams that come up with new ideas and perform consumer testing, independent of brand managers overseeing established products.

    FORBES: Gone Flat

  • Little wonder, then, that senior managers complain that "nothing happens" when they tell their employees to feel empowered and come up with new ideas, he says.

    WSJ: Memo to Staff: Take More Risks

  • Now it is much more receptive to ideas and services from the outside, even posting challenges on the internet for people to come up with new ideas.

    ECONOMIST: The love-in

  • Her customers have come up with new ideas, inspired by her product, and such collaborations have resulted in additional products, including Rooibos tea with Blyss cocoa beans and bath essences with Blyss cocoa extract.

    WSJ: Stuck With 30,000 Boxes of Gourmet Chocolate

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology is on the case, too: In 1999 it formed AgeLab, a research center within the university's engineering school, to come up with new ideas for the next generation of seniors.


  • How did Edison come up with new ideas?

    FORBES: Investing Lessons From Da Vinci And Edison

  • And all of us, in both government and the private sector, will need to come up with new ideas, try out new approaches, and rely on our courage and our common sense to guide us along the way.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Lodsys is a new type of business - one that doesn't actually make anything or come up with new ideas - but lives by registering patent claims and then taking court action against companies it claims have used its technology.

    BBC: Do the patent wars threaten innovation?

  • At one time the technique was widely used within corporations to help come up with new product ideas or to devise radically new manufacturing processes.


  • Staples found its luminaries by holding a competition among customers to come up with new product ideas.

    ECONOMIST: The future of innovation

  • Labour had to come up with new policy ideas to convince the public it had not "run out of steam" and could only win the next election with a convincing vision of the future.

    BBC: Brown unity show with Blairites

  • Engaging a wide variety of innovators to help come up with new and promising ideas.

    WHITEHOUSE: Jobs News

  • And has the economic team come up with some of those new ideas that you talked about?

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Clearly, the people are trying to force the GOP to come up with new candidates with new ideas.

    FORBES: Paul Ryan Brilliantly Evokes Clueless Conservatism

  • Osborn described, for instance, how the technique inspired a group of ten admen to come up with eighty-seven ideas for a new drugstore in ninety minutes, or nearly an idea per minute.

    NEWYORKER: Groupthink

  • To many he is a new name and now has the responsibility to come up with fresh ideas.

    BBC: Labour has new man in Northern Ireland

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