Since a large chunk of the dividend is not income at all but, in effect, just your own money coming back to you, it currently isn't taxed as income.
Paul tried to explain the process known as "blowback" -- which is the result of someone else's action coming back to afflict you -- but the audience drowned him out as the other candidates tried to pounce on him.
"I'm always aware if you start relaxing and think things are going well, this game has a way of coming back to bite you, " he said.
"When you're coming back, fighting back from the lead, you need to pretty much play perfect basketball, " Gordon said.
The last thing you need when coming back to a paused game is a surprise attack when you're not ready for it.
"You will not have decisions coming out of this meeting but you will have enlightened minds and hopefully everyone coming back to his political task, his business responsibilities, will go more or less in the same direction, " Schwab told CNN.
"If you came back, you would be coming literally to a wilderness, " he said.
Just coming back and getting to know everybody again, you know.
And of course you'll be coming back to us again and again as we learn more over the coming days.
"My thoughts were 'Oh my goodness you shouldn't be coming back to work', " she told the inquest.
Thank you all. (Applause.) Yes, I am thrilled to be with you all this evening, and I am thrilled that I will be coming back here to North Carolina next month for the convention. (Applause.) Good stuff.
Nimble Quest all comes together in a rather addictive envelope that keeps you coming back for more each time, trying to beat the last score, unlock a new character, or send quick video to Twitter or Facebook via the in-game social options.
Small-business owners and their employees will do everything they can to keep you satisfied because their livelihoods depend on you coming back.
It is wonderful to be back, and I thank all of you for coming.
If you look at their charts, they seem to be coming back pretty quickly.
"These are abnormal circumstances when you can't rely upon the markets coming back and being able to refinance, " says Forsyth.
And so you're actually seeing a growth in the number of white people coming back to the city in recent years.
You might look at whether or not you need to go back to work part time or full time or if you've got other income coming in that's enough to cover your expenses.
"You feel like your game is coming back and another injury creeps up, but I just stuck myself in there and said that you need to work on the physical side, and I worked hard on that, " he said.
And if you can imagine laying on your back, in pain, tubes coming out of you, not knowing what the future's going to hold for you, whether you're going to be around or not be around, you look for an idyllic place to be, just in case.
Yet the problem with standing still if you have reason to believe a meaningful correction is coming down the track at you, is that a 30% decline requires a 42% gain just to get back to even, while a 50% decline requires a 100% gain to get back to even.