Many believe this is an aberration, yearning for some bygone era of comity and compromise.
The relative racial comity of the city's politics is recent and perhaps not enduring.
Ending the Arab-Israeli conflict requires a willingness by Arabic-speakers to live in comity with a Jewish state.
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As a matter of comity and tradition, these appropriations requests for the Legislative Branch are transmitted without change.
The BAP did not give comity to the Cook Islands, or its laws.
As a matter of comity, they kept each other informed of household gossip.
But, having staked his credibility on bipartisan comity, Mr Lott finds himself trapped.
How ironic that a president who got elected on the promise of bipartisan comity has produced nothing but partisan rancor.
It does not give the courts specific enough instructions with regard to such complex legal issues as comity and choice of forum.
It provides specific instructions for judges on complex legal issues involving comity and choice of forum, thus closing potential loopholes for activist judges.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Rollback #7: American Laws for American Courts
Fresh off his reelection, President Obama is in the political and moral position to promote a new comity in this strategically placed country.
The comity contrasted sharply with outrage that had exploded earlier in the day over congressional inaction on the package, pitting even fellow Republicans against Boehner.
Where are the Chinese, with their supposed interest in comity?
Rumsfeld and Powell last week broke several months of public comity, and it was no coincidence that the mortars started flying just when U.S. troops arrived at Baghdad's city limits.
In 1797 when Thomas Jefferson was preparing to become president of the Senate, the first rules he wrote were rules of comity -- how the Senate could work together effectively.
App. 284, 671 A.2d 988 (Md.1996), a Maryland Court granted comity and enforced a Pakistani custody order turning a child brought to the US by the mother over to the father.
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To the extent the likes of Mubarak and others have cooperated with Israel on various issues over the years, their cooperation was due not to any sense of comity with Jewish state.
And, despite the virtuous talk about the honor of competing and the comity of sport and the talk is virtuous, and fine as far as it goes winning really is what the spectacle is all about.
But the needle on comity barely budged.
WSJ: Why Golf and Politics Don't Mix | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport
"I would hope that we could revive that civility and that political partnership and that comity and politics of common ground that President Reagan and Tip O'Neill and others so powerfully demonstrated on so many occasions during the '80s, " he said.
Finally, the transnationalists urge that the power of the executive branch should be constrained by judicial review and the concept of international comity, while the nationalists tend to believe that federal courts should give extraordinarily broad deference to executive power in foreign affairs.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Lawfare and Obama's transnationalist